Saturday, 18 December 2010

exam mood *lah sangat~~

nak exam pulak...

again, tertangguh lagi hajat nak update blog best-best...
nampaknya lepas examlah jawabnya....

but just to say that I really really had a great time on my trip to the Mainland
*aku orang belfast je kot suka cakap mainland... hehe
Nak ucapkan terima kasihlah kepada kawan-kawan di seberang sana sebab bagi menumpang, bawa pergi berjalan-jalan... semoga berjumpa lagi eh...~~ huhu

PS: serius nak update blog, tapi serius malas, apatah lagi nak exam ni...

Saturday, 20 November 2010

UCD, Benbridge and Odyssey... 1st time jadi tourguide

OHHHH, finally!
Jumpa juga budak Dublin,
walaupun hari yang pergi Cardiff, Paan dan Sha Azni datang Belfast dari Cardiff
tak sempat jumpa...
kali ini, kedatangan 6 pelajar UCD,
my dearest Rifhan, Syamin, Rina, Fazu (budak M08d~~) Mali and Salimah
(lepas ini di'refer' sebagai 6 budak UCD)
berjaya disambut di Europa bus centre...
Hujan and sejuk tidak menjadi penghalang untuk 6 budak UCD ini berjalan-jalan walaupun terpaksa menarik luggage mereka.
Sempatlah aku tunjuk Belfast City Hall dan bergambar walaupun hujan...

Ribuan penghargaan*asal bunyi pelik?
diberikan kepada 'Pharmacy Household' *grand tak nama?!! hehe
di Eglantine Avenue
sebab sudi memberi tempat tidur kepada 6 budak UCD ini.
Sangatlah dikesali terlupa ada Malam Quran ...

setelah menjamu Jaipur kami pun berangkat,
Malam itu sebagai Tour Guide Rookie, aku sedar banyak kelemahan dalam diri,
contohnya, selalu sangat lupa jalan... Ulsterville pun tak kenal lagi...
*malu sebagai budak Belfast

Oh well, sempat juga show off our beloved Lanyon Building and then MBC (6 pelajar Medic UCD) dan bangunan-bangunan yang sewaktu dengannyalah...
sayang sekali Botanic Garden tak sempat.
Tour petang itu diakhiri dengan coffee at Starbucks.

Lanyon Building, 6 budak UCD dan Tour Guide Rookie

Balik-balik, semua terus nak collapse... nak kumpul tenaga untuk aktiviti utama esok,
Shopping di The Outlet, Bendbridge.
Mengikut maklumat yang didapati, The Outlet dapat memberi lebih kepuasan kepada para Shopaholics berbanding dengan Junction One...
hmmm, it is hard to argue since I never been to Junction One.

Okay, The Outlet, actually I wasn't looking for anything particular,
fashion-wise, there wasn't anything impressive.
Aku macam keluar masuk kedai, tangan masih kosong. Dahlah ada pak cik pelik dari Bendbridge tiba-tiba ikut, *ini semua sebab syamin friendly sangat!
but in the end, I did buy something worth (dalam erti kata lain, MAHAL),
a pair of boot
and other stuff
(most are basics like tights and camisole).

Bukti The Outlet taklah best sangat : Muka monyok~~

Malam tu, 6 budak UCD sangat bertuah sebab ada orang sudi masak bagi makan...
terima kasih Shidan household... for the food and for the laugh
Rummateku, Rifhan dan Rina bersemangat pula nak tidur di Elms Village.
Rina di bilik Athirah dan Rummateku, di bilikku lah...
*amat dikesali juga ada yang tak dapat tengok bilik aku macam mana...
tapi serius macam KMB tapi lagi luas, kalau korang nak tahulah

Pagi esok, Carboot pula, di Crumlin Road.
*memang objektif kedatangan 6 pelajar UCD ini ialah Shopping!
nampaknya hasil hari ini juga memuaskan...
*sila rujuk facebook untuk bukti gambar
then tour guide rookie sent them off to Europa, bidding them GoodBye!

Semoga bertemu lagi!!

So on that Sunday, the day is still young for me to go back, turn off the mode of being a tour guide, I am back being some kind of a loner.
Seriously, walking alone to the city makes you appreciate more what is around you...
*I think
Petang, plan nampak kabur lagi, tak tahu nak pergi mana, duduk berehat di Belfast City Hall, macam loser...

Mungkin macam loser sebab 'selca' ...

untuk kurangkan ke'loser'an call Malaysia. Family seem to do fine back in Ampang.

Plan nak tengok Fireworks di Odyssey pukul 6 ptg, tapi ada Study Circle, Malam Quran dah miss, don't want to miss this one...
so, Make a call, postpone study circle to 7p.m., settle.
Sekarang, geng? Lin and geng Shidan ... lambat sangat!
WaI? Ita? Yes! Settle... tapi still kena tunggu...
to kill time, explore Castle Court yang tak sempat-sempat lagi explore... dan window shopping lagi.
Nak shopping, tapi takut payah nak pegang barang masa nak pergi Odyssey nanti.

Tiba-tiba, sambil tunggu WaI dan Ita ada perarakan...
tapi tak pasti perarakan apa... yang pasti bukan Holloween.

Jumpa pun Budak-Budak Farmasi, setelah duduk lama kesejukan, kami terus bergerak ke Monster Mash di Odyssey, naik bas free!

Tapi secara jujur, budak-budak saja yang boleh enjoy Monster Mash, performance pun lagu budak-budak. Sempat juga berjumpa dengan Lin dan yang lain.

Sedar-sedar, sangat lapar, makan Ice-cream and
Chocolate-dipped Apple (holloween apple).
Sempat juga masuk Odyssey... tak ada apa-apa sangat, tapi kalau konsert besar, di Odysseylah.
Last time, Lady GAGA, ... sayang, sayang duit sangat!
Puppet show... *budak-budak tengah bersila kat depan
dengan Budak Farmasi *sorry malas nak tulis nama

balik Monster Mash pergi rumah Kak Sya for study circle...
lama tak jumpa Kak Sya... pengisian tidaklah terlalu berat cuma nak cerita SEED dan POEMS (opps, I miss POEMS since I was still stuck in Malaysia)
POEMS yang diceritakan oleh geng Farmasi memberi sedikit sebanyak semangat untuk menyertai POEMS Revisited...

Overall, it was a great weekend...
To be honest, TOO TIRING...
I can't have this every weekend...
I really wish for simpler weekend...

But it was super super great to see the 6 budak UCD... hehe...

Ps: Maybe next location Tour guide rookie is Giant Causeway? *bajet!

Friday, 19 November 2010

CARDIFF trip...

Wow, saya memang suka menghabiskan duit... beli tiket flight...
Well, the actual cost is only 80 gbp... but seniors is so nice (kak Tiqah and kak Wan), sanggup belanja dalam 20+gbp lagi.... Duit MARA masuk nanti saya belanja makan eh...

Why was I really excited to get here... (Cardiff a.k.a. Caerdydd)
I never been in the mainland
There are a lot of KMBian 10 there (including my sugarbabe)
I miss my sugarbabe(refer to above)...
Since there was a program (SEED) over there, I thought it is a chance to go there...
*For some reason, I thought it is hard or 'unlikely' from Belfast to get to the mainland, never realize it was easy...

Oh well, in my opinion,
Cardiff is less colder than in Belfast... *it should be, geographically
When we arrive, it was raining

Shortly after arriving we join the program(SEED), we actually miss some of it, there were mainly 2 speakers, which actually presenting idea from 2 differrent perspective, one I am familiar with, the other, I would say 'controversial' idea, somewhat conflicting in what most of us understand...
well, I wouldn't really want to blog about it (not my blog's style, sorry!)
at the program, I met my dear blockmate (KMBian), Farah Shazana, Wardah, Haulah, Achik, then Nina, Edy *siapa lagi?
Nice to see them adjusting to new lifestyle (living in Cardiff)
Then, I skipped the last part (closing ceremony, since I want to see my dear sugarbabe, Anne.
She brought me to this potluck held by the Malaysian Society there, and I met Efa.
Efa was practicing badminton before that (semangat Badminton!)

So it was seem like my dear friend, who I presume was going to show me around was busy, and somehow I end up being a member of Cardiff Malaysian Society (funny!).
oh yeah, Kasyur was there too...

I decided to go to Farah Shazana's room which is en suite... bilik jiranku masih sama seperti KMB, sangat selesa, dan aku rasa memang tertidurlah waktu..
sambil rehat-rehat tu Farah sibuk skyping, don't worry dear, I didn't eavesdrop on you,
even if I did, I keep my mouth shut.

Until I realize I get hungry but Anne still busy, so I join my seniors for a meal at this supposedy Japanese restaurant... Chicken Ramen!
Itu pun Faqrie belanja... lama tak jumpa Faqrie... masih sama seperti dulu...
Faqrie sangat baik! *somehow bunyi macam tak ikhlas
lepas belanja chicken ramen, belanja chicken cottage lak...
huhu... thank you very much...

On the way to the Chicken Cottage, at the same time get to see what Cardiff City was like.
Supposedly they have wonderful beautiful places *itu apa yang Adam cakap...

Adam and Faqrie ordering Chicken Cottage

Wow, I did eat a lot that day...
dahlah masa lepak-lepak bilik Farah sempat mengunyah-ngunyah gak....

Tulah Faqrie...
suci, murni, innocent... apa lagi...
oh ya, Murah Hati!

Anne is so Sexy! *tiba-tiba je... miss her

On the way back, it was getting colder, and on the way there I wasn't wearing my coat, so when I was busy putting my coat on, walking outside, crossing the road....
I realize, f*k! I left my bag at Chicken Cottage
Nasib baik perasan... kalau tak...~~
On the way back, Faqrie was hugged by a fan and his name now is 'little red riding hood'
hehe... *it so scary and funny at the same time, when I think about it

Back at Anne's room we had a very very long pillow talk...
I guess, we are still young, so many problems and 'tak puas hati'
we just hope for the best.

The next morning, the four of us meet again and we take pictures at the Bute Park
(check out Facebook eh) and then we had free nasi lemak from a KMB senior, Ammar *unexpected ... happy
and we had to rush back to the airport to get back to our beloved Belfast...

It was a really short trip...
but it was good for a first time
I didn't get the chance to visit most part of Cardiff, but really it was nice that other than get new knowledge (SEED), I get to see other KMBians...

Come to think of it,
I didn't get to meet Syazana Omar, and Irma...
Ikram pun sempat jumpa...
*mungkin lain kali ...

Ps: I wish I was rajin enough to take more pics!
Pss: I wish I had stayed there longer... hahaa!

Monday, 15 November 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-Adha....

sahaja ingin mengucapkan
wahhhh... first raya berjauhan dengan family....

Ps: tak ada banyak benda nak disampaikan... esok kelas pukul 9.00 pagi...~~

Friday, 12 November 2010

Organizing 'my' makeup bag...and travelling with makeup

Finally, I manage to find time to blog...
well, this is a post that I was trying to put ages ago, but I can't seem to find time.... *sucks

it is about makeup bag, unless you are a makeup artist you will just get a medium sized to large sized bag just like me, instead of makeup box that MUA usually use... hehe...

the situation is, I buy this kind of bag,
with some pockets for brush and pencil and then a large space? for what?
to throw in all my eyeshadows, blush and lipstick... and you will get this:-

unorganized and messy...
(doesn't matter how manby time you try to organize it will always end up like this)

yeah, I thought about buying a true makeup box, with all the drawers and section...
but that's the thing, it is expensive (meaning I don't want to spend money on it) and I don't have that much makeup to be at that level...

I believe all my makeups fits in that RM8.00 beg...
it is just hard to find something and it is just makes me take MORE MORE time to do my makeup *not good

I was trying really hard to find a bag like this but with pockets and section...
unfortunately, I couldn't...
then, it struck me, why I don't just sew pockets in the bag?
I know it sound lame especially not being good in sewing... but when you think about it... it is much easier... than to spend up to RM50 trying to find this ultimate makeup bag.

So I just get some cloth (I tear a t-shirt), and just sew on the bag..
*I don't really know how to explain what I did
The bottom line is I just sew it to divide the space into section.
now I have three sections which are for ;
1. eyeshadow
2. blusher
3. lipstick.

the section for blusher include all my compact (powder).
so normally my bag look like this..
well, sometime, some of these are out somewhere...
ok tak?

stuff like my primer, concealer and liquid foundation is out of the bag, since these are the main things I use every day...
the problem is when I am going somewhere... and I want to bring everything...
I just put these in the bags on top of these section
*it doesn't matter since it is just for travelling and the bag fit...
the picture above still have more space..

so, this is how it looks:-

Love it! and it is not that heavy!

However, it is a reminder when you are travelling on plane...

I mean I can just bring a big bag for skincare and my makeup bag if I am travelling by car or bus...
but for flight? it is a whole different story, especially when you are travelling with hand luggage only *no check in luggage

I am still working it out... I believe what they *security in airport* emphasis on is
the amount of liquid you bring...
so usually, I put my liquid foundation in the clear plastic bag with other creams and etc and
I bring another makeup bag that have my powder and stuff...

I never bring this makeup bag in a hand luggage yet, but I hope to bring it when I am visiting Mainland again this winter...
since I am going to stay there longer *more than 3 days... I have to bring ALL .
I think it will work out... InsyaAllah

Ps: I have been to Cardiff, Leeds and Nottingham... so maybe I'll start blogging about these place I have been to... of course most of it about meeting my dearest friends... I miss you guys!!
Pss: Since I don't have a camera, I just use camera on my phone *which is not that good... just check out facebook... there are pictures there...

Kembara Northern Ireland...

okay call me a loser if you want to...
aku sedar dah lambat gila baru aku nak post pasal trip ini...
mamposlah orang kata aku loser!
well, these wonderful photos are not mine anyway...
so thank you Lin, WaI and the gang for the photo.

Nothing much to say except that to tell you guys I finally been to Giant Causeway and
alsoLarrybane Carrick-a-rede and also the Dunluce Castle.
I didn't manage to take many photo
(with my lame cameraphone anyway *bear with me please)
but I did get busy be in the photo ... haha!
I love this one:-

Although I really look ridiculous.

There was reason for me to be so tired that time...
*I know, I look silly

What I wore:
Coat : Carboot 2.00 gbp (percaya tak?)
Green shirt (worn inside) : Primark 4.00 gbp
Light blue cardigan : Malaysia mari...
Straight cut grey jeans : New look 16.00 gbp
Floral slingback : Malaysia mari... (momoe)
Shoe: Adidas 38.00 gbp...(hehehe...)
Makeup : Barefaced + hint of Warm Soul...
and Revlon Colorburst Lipstick Sienna (lately been my go to lippie)

Well, in facebook there are many more silly moments of me...
sekali lagi terima kasih Lin, WaI and the gang...
From left : WaI, Me!, Lin, Aina, Zati, Ita

Down here is the only photo I have... which was in Dunluce Castle... It was really nice, even though there is only half of it left...

Oh, I just notice, I didn't have photo of Giant Causeway in this post...
oh well, it is just rocks anyway... hahaa!
oh yeah, and I remember the trauma I had there...
gee, thanks hafiz for being gentleman... biarkan aku...
*I survived

What I would like to conclude:-
Finally, I wouldn't be bother anymore if there are friends in Ireland saying they've been to Giant causeway... Me too!
I would say, these all are nature's beauty,
too bad blogging about these stuff is not my style you know what I'm saying...??? hahaa!
I blog about vanity stuff and etc...
lastly, it was a blast since we get to bond with fellow Malaysian in Belfast... You guys rocks... *especially seniors who come up with this trip

Ps: The night before this trip, I went out to celebrate my new friend's birthday, Padmini!

(she just to depressed about turning 19...*sabar jelah)

PSS: Insyaallah, saya memastikan saya update blog ini, believe me,
because I still love to blog about vanity and entertainment...

I don't understand why my fonts could not be in colour!!!

Friday, 22 October 2010

not yet....

Yeah, it's been a while since I'm updating my blog...
too busy? no...
it's like back in college, when I feel, rather than blogging, I should get my essay done...
*yeah, we already got an essay assignment, but it's okay.... not like writing Malay worldlit assignment, or commentaries in Economic... I should be fine...

The life here in Belfast?
It's great! I love the university scene and more love to the City Centre ...
*shopping... I know, bad habit

I'm also glad even though Malaysian is only a small community here, but we know each other well, and take care of each otBoldher...
* thank you seniors! you guys rock!!

I'm really glad to get to know people around QUB, Elms village (ASH01 G woohhhoooo!!)

I also excited that I have the chance to play basketball here
*miss the game... but also realize I need to work a lot

Of course, I love how QUB Medicine course work...
I wouldn't say I enjoy the lectures.. but yeah, its great *for now...?

so that's all... *like I said I have an essay to work on

Ps: Oh yeah, I notice I'm not taken any pics... should start to do that even with my lame phone camera... I haven't done any vanity update as well...
*I thought about it since I just checked out MAC counter at Debenhams this evening....

Pss: I also enjoy the Giant Causeway Trip (Kembara Northern Ireland, QMC rock!)...
nice view *despite the fact that it is just rocks...
(pics.... facebook... I just rely on people cameras and tagging)

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Settle down in Belfast...

Ok, it's been a while, but I finally have the mood to put up a new post...
a short statement...
which is
" I have settle down in Belfast"

Thank you everyone... MSSNI, QMC , ASH01 ground floor and even fellow course mates for welcoming me here... I'm still new, and it's only been 5 days...
nothing much to say, as everything seems expected...
or that I'm not expressive enough in describing new environment...
I am still adapting...

Oh, to talk about my previous solo journey... not that long just take time to wait for my flight...
It was fine, very lucky to meet a couple of Malaysians....

So, I still have not unpack my stuff and stuff I bought here...even my table is really messy...
and I even did not have the time to put on my makeup as usual ... and my skin still adapting to the cold dry weather.... need a lot od moisturizer and wear less powder...
and I
still have to work on my stamina...Tha's all for now...

PS: Tadi pergi ke QMC reception... malulah pula mengaku suka bersolek dan menyolek depan orang ramai.... tapi memang betul pun hehe...
PSS: I shouldn't have bought an extra Revlon liquid foundation for oily skin, since my skin here is dry...

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Makeupalley made my day!!

Okay, so it would not be a big deal to anyone else... but it is to me...

remember that I have blog about how I start to LOVE playing with makeup...

at first, because my skin needs a lot of coverage...

and the interest build up ...

but then, to be honest I am not 100% perfectly have time and energy to spend too much on makeup...

so sometime, I wear less...

actually most of the time especially back in college...

but after finishing my diploma, I was on the roll with makeup since I have less thing to think about...

but I forgot that there will be time that I will be out of time with makeup...
and there will be time I am forcedBold to wear less...

so I went up to MAKEUPALLEY.COM and post on the FOTD Board

"less makeup since was on the go...

I have terible acne n scar problem n honestly I can be upset if I was out of time for makeup... so this is me with less makeup and trying to embrace it..."

Then include this picture of me

Of course I still wear makeup...

but less than usual since I was in a hurry...thin layer of foundation, bit of concealer, lil' mascara and lipstick..

what suprise me was the response I get...

even though it's only a few comment, but it is still meaningful...
what I learn is that...
I should not be pressured to wear makeup...
If I'm pressured,
there is no fun and this interest lost its meaning...
but don't worry... I'm not giving up on makeup or I am not also converting to natural look...
I still love makeup...
I still love to do BOLD statement...
I am just reminding myself to have fun and keep sane in playing with makeup...
and tell myself ... "it's okay to wear less, even it will make your acne and scar visible"
and that is how makeupalley has made my day...

PS : I am pretty much ready with my preparation to enter QUB.. just waiting for my visa... then I'll be able to fly to Belfast ... too bad I might miss a few classes since I will be late...

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Many Things to go through....

Finally, submit pun visa application...
sekarang nak packing?
pack dalam apa?
ouwh.. sempat beli luggage... big and purple... hehe...
but seriously, apa yang perlu dibeli...
tak perlu kot... pakai papa punya dulu... nanti beli di sana je..
*besar pun besarlah... anyway, I am Big ~~*
jaket MARA kan ada.. hahaa!
mesti... laptop lama dah nazak.. nanti kat ampang point...
thermal wear?
ouwh, got buy some tights and innerwear...
and glove....emmm....
kasut?? what kind eh?
probably better buy there...
Kedai buku KAMAL...
pharmacy should have... I guess
MAMA, please, jangan paksa Nana raya sakan...
even though it's my last raya before going oversea, please understand...
your daughter tak prepare apa-apa lagi...*banyak benda...~~*
and MARA suka surprisekan orang... especially flight..
*but MARA still rocks!*
online registration.... university emails? wa****k?!
s***, banyak lagi kena fikir...
harap-harap VISA application goes smoothly...
harap-harap FLIGHT bukan tarikh pelik-pelik
*not too early, not too late*
Hafiz and Adam, have funlah fly awal-awal...
*tinggalkan aku~~*
PS: Seriously, kalau BELFAST sucks, memang sakit hatilah...
tapi tak kut... seniors kata best... *takkan dorg nak kata sucks pula kan...*
PSS: Banyak berkata kesat pula....

Friday, 27 August 2010

My steps in Makeup Application....

How exactly people do makeup...?
We might ask the pros and usually they say, go with foundation first. Some expert suggest an unorthodox way, do you eyes and come with the skin later. But really, it does not matter, as long as you comfortable and as long as you believe you look good, there is nothing wrong with it....
Then, there is really nothing wrong if you follow a makeup artist advice... well, they do know best.

We can have our own style of applying makeup, different techniques, different tools and different order. Some may use fingers, sponge or brush... some may start with base makeup first, some may start with eye makeup first.

Well, this is my style of how applying makeup
after very much research (youtube, magazine, tv, and makeup store assistant).

Okay first of all, I have acne-prone skin and many scars and all, so I would have medium-full coverage makeup. Some people might think I do unnecessary stuff and I might wear too much but to me, it is necessary. This post is pretty much what I do, I will not talk too much about anything else or this post will be too long.

After cleansing, and toning, I will moisturize and I skip my acne treatment (my benzoyl peroxidegel) because it dries up and make my skin flaky (not good for makeup). Then I apply my sunscreen (I use SPF 50 PA+++, perlindungan terjamin!)

Primer :
Using my finger, I apply MAC Prep+Prime on my face little by little covering my whole face and make sure to smooth it evenly . Then I dabbed little bit of green corrector over reddish spot. At this point it may look patchy, but its okay.

From left : Elianto Foundation Brush, MAC PREP+PRIME, Elianto Green Base Corrector, Revlon Colorstay in Toast

Liquid Foundation:
Then I rub the back of my hand, pour little of my liquid foundation and this will warm it up. I use Revlon Colorstay in Toast (the best affordable full coverage liquid foundation I tried so far).
With foundation brush, dip it into the foundation and apply to the centre of the face to outward direction. To cheeks , chin and finally my forehead, not to forget the eyelids and lips . I will exclude area that are covered by my headscarf like the ears, neck and temple area.
If I’m not satisfied, again pour a little of foundation again, dip my brush and go back to areas that need more coverage... (usually on the U-zone). What is important to me is that, I start on light first and then build up the coverage.

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Medium Dark and
The Bodyshop Mineral Foundation Brush

Buffing :
Take very little of MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Medium Dark using kabuki brush (Bodyshop Mineral Foundation Brush) and buff on to my skin. This willl smooth out the foundation. This may sound harsh for acne-prone skin, but it’s not. The brush is very soft . I use very little of the product since I’m not setting it fully, because I have not done my concealing yet.

Concealing :
For my undereye area I use The Bodyshop Crayon Concealer in 05. I use this before on my pimple but it is too drying for me and become flaky at the end of the day, but I like it
as my undereye concealer. It stays put and the yellow undertone is very brightening for my undereyed circle (and I don’t want to waste it). I dabbed with my ring finger and blend with foundation brush .
The Bodyshop Crayon Concealer in 05, MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer in NW30

Then for my acne and scar I use MAC Studio Sculpt in NW30, which is a better match for my face. Using my finger and dab on the blemishes in the U-zone, nose, around the lips and forehead. I never brush, I JUST DAB... then blend the edges into the foundation so it does not look patchy.


I go straight with my eye and lip makeup.

After finishing my eyes and lip, I go through around the undereye area and lip area just to clean up any mess like fall-off eyeshadow or smeared from eye and lip makeup (make sure the makeup is not messy).

Then straight to

1st contouring :

Okay, if I straight away apply colour on concealer it may look uneven and patchy.
So just to be safe, I swirl a bit of MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural using very fluffy brush (not jkabuki brus) and just lightly dab on the cheeks, tip of the chin and nose bridge just to set the concealers on that area. (again very little of product).
Then I apply my contour powder, highlighter and blusher.

Setting :
Finally, I just swirl my fluffy brush onto the MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural and just swirl on my face excluding eyes and lips (I don’t want to ruin my eyes and lips makeup) to set all foundation, concealer , contour colour and blusher. I pay more attention to edge of the lips and under the eye.
Fluffy Face brush and MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural

2nd contouring :

I retouch again my contour and blusher .
This time apply it more compare to the 1st.

Why did I put my contour and blusher first and retouch again after setting?
Why contour TWICE?

I could have just exclude powdering on my contour and blusher or just apply them later after powder....

The first contouring is to seep the colour into my base makeup and setting with powder do that.

Then the second time (retouch) is for the colour to show on better.
I do twice for my contour and blusher because these makeup are
easier and faster to fade. By doing this, it will make makeup stays on longer.

( It is a similar concept of applying the lipstick twice to make it last longer).

Another alternative is to apply cream blusher first, set with powder and follow with powder blusher, but cream blusher does not suit me.

So this is just my way of doing things... some may have different ideas and style...
To some people it may seem too much, but yeah, of course I need a lot of coverage for my acnes and scar.

Some may say that it is too cakey or whatever... but believe me, it’s NOT.
I never found my makeup to be cakey, or become messy at the end of the day.
Plus, I hardly need to retouch my face (probably just lips because I eat) but overall
these extra steps have made my makeup stay on longer and still presentable.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

I am very grateful to You...

Akhirnya terjawab juga....
Dari akhir tahun 2009 hingga sekarang, selalu persoalkan,
"boleh ke dapat tempat kat sana"
"do you even deserve to go there"
It's a nightmare to answer those question...
and that what haunted me the whole time...

I always push them back of my head... almost forgeting it,
bila papa mama tanya, buat bodoh... tanya lagi, buat macam amok, agitated
*sorry didn't mean to be a disrespectful daughter*

and focus more on my current college life...
Exam, social life?? yes... money prize? *on top my head*

bila dah tiba masanya nak fikir masa depan... panik...
tak tahu nak buat apa...
depan orang, ACT COOL.. *taiko kan...*
padahal, dalam hati hanya Allah saja tahu.

then, finally, He answer my prayer * other prayers too * ...
He give me an oppoturnity which never thought of...
a miracle... rezeki...


PS: hehe... nothing... just too happy that I finally got a placement... what makes it a miracle is that it is Queen's University Belfast...
(It's my dream to go there, then crushed since I failed to get the interview)
but then, He knew better.

PSS: the scary part is that, I'm getting paranoid about what might happen in near future...
technical problem, accident? arrrgggghhhh....

Terima kasih kepada semua yang membantu,
termasuk juga kepada yang cuba menenangkan saya...

*special thanks to Rhoe and Hafiz*

Friday, 20 August 2010

Updated purple smokey eyes

I did a post about purple eyes look ( ) but I was not happy with the finished look due to the purple eyeshadow used lacking in intensity. So after I bought MAC eyeshadow in Parfait Amour I decide to redo this look and as you can see, the result is so much different.

Everything else was about the same but I review back the tutorial and I notice something else, which for me is much better. So I would just explain important feature.

Eyes :
I apply Painterly Paint Pot (obviously much better that Revlon Matte Eyeshadow) then follow with sheer and light application of taupe eyeshadow using a fluffy brush (blending brush). The taupe is applied no further than the crease. I did the same on the lower lashline.

Then I use MAC Parfait Amour (the exact eyeshadow in the tutorial) and apply it to slightly above the crease and blend into the skin and also on the lower lashline. The taupe will make MAC Parfait Amour more deep.

Okay, the lady that did the tutorial is a fair Caucasion, so MAC Parfait Amour on her will look deep compared to me. So to make the purple more deep I just apply and blend deeper purple shadow (from Rimmel Duo in Brit Cool) just up to the crease and also the lower lasline.

Then the same as previous post I blend some pink eyeshadow (Rimmel Brit Cool) on the inner corner of the eyes.

Then, black liner and eyeshadow on waterline and black mascara.

I decide to forgo blush for this look and just apply bronzer on the hollow of the cheeks.

Then I just highlighted the cheeks bone, brow bone and nose bridge using MAC FAFI Iridescent Powder in Verve-acious.

Lips :

In the tutorial actually the lips are glossy beige. So for me, I fill my lips with nude lipliner and mix two lipstick, Rimmel Moisture Renew in Nude Delight (beige nude) with Maybelline Pure Watershine in B24 (Nude Pink) and apply using brush.

So the final look is this dusty smokey purple eyes.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Bright Blue Eyes

I remember that I did a post about blue eye shadow from Derek Lam Fall/Winter 2010.
The blue also remind me of bright blue eye tutorial from youtuber, pixiwoo that inspired from Gucci RTW Spring Summer 2009. This look focus just on the eyes, where bright blue is use. Then the eyes are smugded with black liner on both upper and lower lashline.

So after evening the skintone with foundation and concealer, I apply MAC Paint Pot in Painterly up to the brow.
Then for the bright blue eyeshadow, what I see on the tutorial is that the blue used are not just bright but almost like turquoise. Unfortunately I don’t have any eyeshadow that is closer to turquoise. But I would say, MAC To the Beach Eyeshadow in Humid will do. I do love MAC eyeshadow because of the intense colour, however Flashtrack which I own is more deep blue, so I just have to mix and get it closer to the colour (actually hopeless, Flashtrack is too dark... but I still like the final colour).
So what I did is that, first I blend lightly and softly MAC Flashtrack on the upper lid up to the socket and blend it quite high up to the brow and on the inside of the eyes (toward the nose bridge). But keep the space just below brow free of the blue.

Then, I slowly build the colour by blending with all three colour from Za Eyeshadow Trio in E6, from deeper to the white (the white in trio somehow has like green sheen and reflects) and the final colour look more bright.

Why do I still put on MAC Flashtrack eventough it is not the right blue?

It is because I like the intensity, it make the colour from Za trio more strong.

Remember also not to wing out the eyeshadow too far of the outer corner (no flicking).

Then, trace the upper lashline with black liner and blend outward. Again nothing is wing out. Then trace the lower lashline leaving the waterline free.There are absolutely no blue shadows under the eye.

Then I highlight the waterline with Revlon Matte Peach Sorbet and I also blend the light colour on the free space between the blue shadow and the brow. This will make the blue stand out more.

I use the slanted brush and apply black eyeshadow (Rimmel After Dark) on the black liner, upper and lower lashline (leave out the waterline) and blend. Finish the look with black mascara.

Then, a bit of bronzer on the hollow of cheeks and very little of Elianto Blusher in Nude Pink on the apple of the cheeks (the colour is almost invisible).

For the lips, I did the look base on the tutorial where she use a sheer pale pink gloss, but then on the picture of Gucci is more of beige gloss. I prefer the pale pink one, so I just fill my lips with Silkygirl Lipliner in Nude and apply Revlon Super Lustrous Lipgloss in Glossy Rose.

It may seem like a typical eyeshadow look but it's not... the attention it gives to the shape of the eyeshadow and the fact that the waterline is left without any black and NO BLUE at all under the eye makes a different. Apart from the beige lips, I absolutely have no problems with this look...

PS : I don't know if you notice the different, but I wear BB cream under all the makeup... I thought I want take a closer look at my BB cream again... I notice it does brighten up my face despite not in skintone... However, since I always be the type to wear very precise full coverage base makeup (thick??)... I feel like it was unnecessary to wear this... unless, I stop wearing my foundation and concealer I might use this (which usually never)... so yeah...

PSS: Well, I would not say I hate BB cream... probably I will post a review about it... I realize I'm not into BB cream, so I will put my BB cream up for sale... I bought it for RM 32 ?? I believe, and I am selling this at RM 17.oo

(just Check out the previous post on what I am also selling)

Friday, 13 August 2010

Kamisama Kazoku....(nothing much)

I remember this one time I borrow my friends hard disk to get the episode for Family Outing. Yeah, I really enjoy Korean Variety! However, I check out anime folder she has, and I just saw this and copy it. I thought I just want to give this a try.

Kamisama Kazoku come out in 2006 and it is a harem genre anime (so you could expect a guy surrounded by a lot of girls).

This anime revolve around Kamiyama Samatarou, who is suppose to be son of God. As the name of Kamisama Kazoku, literally mean God Family... Samatarou and his family live on Earth as human to learn about human lives, probably help Samatarou to learn his duty better before he take over the family business (being God). His family consist of his father, Papa, mother, Mama, his sister, Misa and little sister, Meme. His mother and sisters supposedly are Goddesses. Then there is Tenko, a femal angel that suppose to be guardian of Samatarou.

Life was boring for Samatarou as there isn’t any challenges for him (since he is son of God) but everything soon change when Samatarou fall for the new girl name Kumiko. So, not only this is about Samatarou wooing Kumiko before she left but it also test Samatarou and Tenko relationship... Tenko and Samatarou feelings will unravel little by little, but remember it is not the end of Kumiko.
Romance and love interest gurantee!!

The animation, I would say is average, nothing too detailed.
The story line does get twisted without ending. Some episode I just find non-coherent. One time he likes Kumiko, then he want to be human, the he had a child, the actually he kiss Tenko, then.... Tiba-tiba je...

Oklah, still enjoying. What I do not enjoy was this as a Harem genre... especially when it also include his mom and sis... that is just creepy (but then again there are many Japanese anime that are creepy)...

So apart from Samatarou weird Mama and Misa, okaylah... since I did enjoy watching the love triangle between Samatarou, Kumiko and Tenko... (but to be honest, they could really amp up the conflict... the thing is just too light)...
I believe most already can guess who will Samatarou end up with?

Would I watch it again? No, everytime I finish an episode I delete it....

Overall : 3 out 5...

you don't really miss anything if you haven't watch it...

PS : It is been a while since I post about something I watch...

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

It started off with an orange lips

Yes, I just had the BSMS interview this evening and it was fine. I couldn't denied there are things that I wish I have said better. All in all, I just glad it was over. I am really hoping that I would get a placement there. Since last week, I had put off to post about this look because I want to focus more for the interview. Now that it is over, finally I can go on with this post.
Lately, I notice in magazine (female, CLEO, Cosmopolitan) there rave about orange lips, some may say coral lips, tomato lips, orange-red lips... whatever it is, it revolve around orange. I do like this colour, very best worn on warm skintone like Asian skintone. The rave about this also remind me of Hyun-ah looks in 4minute’s “Muzik” music video where Hyun-ah this very orange juicy lips...but there are trend with deeper reddish orange like tomato.

Hyun-ah 4Minute from 'Muzik' music video

Spring Summer 2010
The one with shades from Prada, right is Gianbattista Valli, Bottom is Christian Dior
The orang-red can be perfect and versatile as long as you have this two colour, a real red (red with blue undertone) and orange lipcolour. For me, my mix of orange-red lipcolour using MAC Satin Lipstick in Alibi and Revlon Matte Lipstick in Really Red. To amp up the orange I use coral-like lipliner. I have test it out on me (and the result is great, I wish I had picture of it) and I just have to try it on my sis. My sis is more interested with brighter orange like Hyun-ah and after the lips I start to devicing this final from anything I have seen before.
(I just play around)
After finding the perfect orange shade for her lips, which she prefer in medium tone, I decide to put more colour as I see the lips is not really overpowering. This is different compare the deeper tomato-red lips or more solid colour (like Prada), the best is to keep the rest of the face bare and the lips itself is a statement.

So I complement the orange-lips with gold-beigey eyeshadow (the gold from L’oreal Star Secret Penelope Cruz Quads) on the upper lids and lower lids. I wouldn’t suggest a more yellow gold (like the gold from Silky Girl duo in Golden Emerald) since it can be too much. Then I define the crease with bronzy brown and blend. For the final touch I gave my gave my sis a full black-rimmed eye.
Okay, I would like to be more specific on the black-rimmed eye. Often women do it will end-up looking too gothich or an Egyptian... but that is not what I intend for. So, with a light hand using black pencil just trace softly along the upper lashline while looking down and into the inner corner. Then look up, start tracing just on the waterline only, and only that. Don’t come out to the lower lashline or it will end up looking over the top. Clean it up and don’t make it too messy. Define the lashline with golden again. Finish it off with black mascara.

So about the complexion, since I put too much attention on both lips and eyes I kept the face flawless and matte. I didn’t use any blusher or highlighter. But just give more colour I just put a hint of bronzer on the hollow of the cheeks and this also gave contour.
My sis really love gloss, so for her sake I top the lips with gloss in coral and this also enhance the orange shade on the lips and give a pretty finish. What I love about this look is that the eyes make lips shade look more sophisticated instead of candy-sweet chic and the attention of the black liner is not too intense to make my sis into a gothic angel.

PS: Selamat menyambut RAMADHAN....semoga Ramadhan ini menjadi istimewa sebagaimana tahun2 sebelum ini...
PSS: sayang tak bawa kamera untuk graduation... tak ada gambar nak post untuk blog...