I would say, red lips can be tricky, one time you seem fine with it, one time you look vampy.
At least for me. If people know me, my favourite feature in applying makeup is LIPS.
I love red lips, but to be honest I'm not the best one to wear it. Why, because I got redness in skin from my acne scars. Nonetheless, it hasn't stop me to try to wear it, for the moment I just love it! But I would be very careful in choosing what to wear with it.
This one is just casual just plain clean face, contoured, no blush.
Then carefully lined with lipliner and red lipstick.
I use Silkygirl Nude lipliner (RM 10 +) and Revlon's Matte Really Red (RM 30 ++).
oh, yeah a little bit emphasition on eyes,
you can use black mascara.
But for your information, I am at the phase of 'No Black Mascara in the day', so I just curl my lash and put on clear masara... that just simply it... very casual and I wear this in the day.