hehehe... somehow I lost track of time... sedangkan dah 2011,
sibuk nak post benda dah lapuk ni...
but whatever guys, I just finish my EXAM today and I am damn happy being able to relax while blogging... Eventhough it was an old trip,
*cop, takdelah old sangat pun, awal November kot!
It is just when I reminisce what was I doing all this while
*that I was like a blockhead when doing the exam,
That I remember all the trips I have been to.
to tell truth,
I am not really fond of the idea of travelling, its tiring, you spend a lot, uncomfortable since it's not home...
but when doing it actually, I really enjoyed it.
As much money I have spent while on the trip, as wasting as it could be, the fact that I was able to meet friends, visiting places I never would really expect to reach, having adventure and being independent,
Okay, what so great about this trip is that I was really excited that I will be seeing many of my KMBians friends at the Notts game. The reason I went to Leeds is because my friend, Lin has a sister there and I guess she wants to visit her and I, I never been to Leeds, so what the heck.
So the day I arrive at Leeds, Lin's sis brought us to Guy Fox Bonfire. There was firework as well, *well, I am not that crazy about fireworks...

But it was a great night, meeting new people...
oh did I mention I finally had chicken sandwich at SUBWAYS... yes people, there is HALAL SUBWAY in LEEDS... in fact there is a lot of halal restaurant...
*ok, maybe that time I was really shock I can't buy chicken sandwich anymore since I study here in Belfast, but I am adapting...
So the next, Notthingham for Notts Game...
I had to wake up really early to join the Leed's convoy to Notts. It takes a while for me trying to identify anyone I knew... hmmm.. So I met Jeffrey and Azuwa
(eh classmate satu uni... cop, aku pun sama.. haha!!)
Arriving at NOTTS Uni, OMG busy and very crowded, macam mana nak cari kawan ni!!!
Hehe, jumpa !!
Ya Allah, kalau nak list satu2 aku pun bosan nak menaip... tapi serius lebih kurang macam reunion gitu... siap rekod video selamat hari raya haji pula...
It was really nice, suddenly us just meeting and hang around turn to this big reunion...
biasalah... rindukan suasana KMB.
Tengoklah facebook, siap ada gambar macam gambar batch lagi....
Aku ambil gambar-gambar random je...~~

*bersepah kan budak KMB, haha!!
But yeah, seeing these people here remind me of friends who were not there...
It was really tiring you know even though I don't play a game...
Just to record it, Congrats to
BEDAH getting 3rd in Ping Pong
IrHafiz's football team for winning 1st first place
and Azeem's team as well, getting 2nd place.
I just knocked out after got back, *thanks Lin's sis for preparing a very comfortable bed.. ~~ZZZzzz
so next day, its LEEDS time...
yeah, even though I don't really have shopping in mind but the fact there was *a lot* money on me, how could I resist... hehe... but I don't spend much... and the stuff I bought I really put on good use tau...

Ok that was it I think for my weekend trip...
There is another trip I will post... the longest trip I had, my winter trip...
too bad it's not really a grand trip, and it is not out UK... but I was really satisfied...
I believe it is really a good start for as an independent traveller
*fuhhhh... cam bajetlak...
You know what, as much as I am enjoying these adventure, I was wondering if I got back to Malaysia, will I be able to do this? Before this, I always at home and very seldom that I go out and hang out with my friends. Here, I could not deny that since I am on my own here without my parent by my side, I kinda ikut suka hati, and my mum can't say much, even though she's not pleased, but what can she do, since I'm here, and she's there... but back home nanti.. tak tahulah...
I hope I will still be able to... MAMA, PAPA please!!
Ps: Okay, before I'm going back to Malaysia in summer, I have to make sure I travelled out of UK... just to prove to MAMA PAPA that I seriously can be on my own... noted.
Pss: but first kena saving... no shopping spree!!! ...=.=...
taupun.smpan duit.jgn asyk shopping je..
ReplyDeletewhoa.glad u had great time babe:)
ReplyDeleteanne- babe, ni baru yg notts lum lg yg winter tuuu...
ReplyDeleteziela- =_= yelah...