I almost forgot about posting this, it has been as a draft for a very very long time.
Alright, when was this?? hahah!!
So it was the first week of winter holiday, I got a flight to Southampton. It was delayed, but a bit. Whatever, I manage to get to Brunei House, where my friend, Aida live.

Brunei House.
It was great hospitality, apparently Aida got one hall (kitchen + bathroom) shared with only fellow Malaysian female. So, it was very home-like. Obviously I could not offer the same feeling if she ever come here.
I stay there up to 4 nights I believe, I thought about going to London, but I just end up lazing off in Aida's bed. So, I pretty much visiting Southampton all 4 days.

Ship-gazing: apparently suppose to be a popular activity *??
Mayflower Park.
From here I also visit the Titanic Trail, Maritime Museum.
I just forgot to take picture outside the museum, I guess I was trying to make most of 1.50pound entry fee to the museum.

Walking through the city.
Then, me and Aida's geng got up to train for Portsmouth.

This where the shopping paradise lies, Gunwharf Quay.
It was the bomb! The worst thing was, I did not have much money, but I still manage to get out with a 10 pound French Connection pants. *hehehe.
Oh, did I mention they also have factory outlet for high-end makeup!!! COOOL!!
To be honest, I was tired by the last day in Southampton. The next day, we went for the Winter Gathering under MSM, oh by now should be IKRAM UK & Eire.
But the memory in Southampton was never to be forget and meeting Aida's flatmate who were very generous to me, nice.
Then off to Sheffield for the Winter Gathering.
All I can say is that, there were a lot of people, A LOT!
I meet lots of new friends as well as friends from KMBian, nice to see you guys!
*who would have thought many from Ireland would come, oh wait, I'm from Ireland... hehe...
no, no, I'm from Northern Ireland, UK. Whatever.
Yeah, I'm glad I learn a lot from the gathering
*I wouldn't really call it gathering, it should be 'motivational camp'...
despite being depressed in cold and not having shower *eh macam tak biasa pula,
I still make most from it.
Oh we got a day off on boxing day, since I'm not into shopping that time, I just walk around Sheffield city and university.
I thought about visiting the museum, too bad it was close that day... duhhh!!

So we just walk and walk....
By the end of winter gathering I really want to have a rest on my bed back in Elms... but what what was I supppose to do, I still have to wait for my flight in 3 days from Manchester.
So got to Manchester by bus, stay with my friend Afiqah, *sorry to intrude...
Did I mention about how hardworking she is in the kitchen, *amazed!!
That first night, there were me, Fiqah, Ann, Heidy, Lela, Sarah (UCL) and S as well.
Bapak arh, KECOH gile!!! Dengan S and Lela... *usap kepala

The next morning, me and Fiqah teman S shopping.
Wow S, boleh tahan.
Quoted from Fiqah "S shopping macam nak rompak"
and me, I was carrying his shopping bags, and taking care of that guy's passport.
*usap kepala
That night, finally met Rhoe and Syakirin was there as well.
Rhoe said you can never go hungry here.
Yes, the food around Rusholme area, not just HALAL, TASTE GOOD and CHEEEAAAPPP!!
So we went for burger, ice-cream and then ribs
*forgot the name, but remember the taste... yummm..
back to Fiqah's place, she feeds us more. *that's why, she is rajin in the kitchen.
And again KECOHHH!!
Nak migrain kecoh dua malam berturut-turut. This time S and Rhoe...
lepas tu kes S dapat kena subanlah...
Yang tak boleh blah, lawak Syakirin ,'-.- *ohh, macam ni orangnya Shakirin ni... hahha!!
The next day, just to make it right *I guest
I went to visit the Old Trafford. hhmmmm???
If only I am a really BIG fan of MU or at least Football... haha!

Old trafford *that's a nice picture of me... hahah!!
Oh, we bump into rombongan Heidy, again kecoh!
The night was spend at Aqill's home, kesian Aqill masa tu, demam masa baru balik dari Sheffield, pastu boiler tak on... aduhai...
She was feeling better that time and making a feast, since we suppose to meet Aida's Jaulah geng which include Ada as well. But too bad, Aida couldn't stay for too long.
Then the last day, suppose to be glad that I finally going back to Belfast, but feel sayanglah... probably since I didn't get to spend much time with Aqill and Ada kot.
But that morning before my flight at 4pm, we just decide lets have M08K time!
Fiqah couldn't join since she was on train to London.

Rhoe was the tour guide again, he shows around the University and the Manchester Museum, which have the 'cliche' T-rex... hahah!! too bad it was a short visit, since we went there late and I have to catch the bus to the airport by 2pm...
Bapak arh, lupa pula Manchester Airport besar gedabak!!! Ingat sampai on time, last-last kena pecut sampai terminal, nasib baik security semua pass. Got on the plane safely.
Overall, it was TIRING!!!
*haha! not so positive..
But, yeah, I have gain a lot from there, knowledge, fun and more importantly experience.
For someone who doesn't go out much, to travel on her on eventhough just in UK... is quite a big deal, well, at least to my parent. Let this just be a first step for me to start to get use to travelling, because to be honest at first, I have no intention and what so interest in travelling.
What I know is, I will cherish this trip.
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