this might be the first time I really felt like a die-hard VIP!!
Who ever thought that Big Bang will come to Belfast, all FIVE of them!!
GD, TOP, Tae, Dae and Seungri!!
So it was like this, I was wondering... on my own...
whether will they come or not...
then suddenly on last Thursday,
my friends from Dublin (they are VIPs) whatsapps me saying that they will come to Belfast to catch Big Bang,
I was like " REALLYY!!!!!"
so to be honest, if my friends didn't say anything about Big Bang I wouldn't even think of seeing Big Bang in real life. So the next day, they update saying that Big Bang will arrive at 12.20pm,
and my friends could not make it.... I was blurrrrr...
then a text came from a friend, fellow VIP as well asking if I'm going to the airport...
and I just GO! so thanks to my friends I manage to push my inner VIP self. haha!
so to the airport we go, and I saw a fellow Malaysian VIP and I get to know the local VIP....
and as I expected, there are only VIPs!! theres no fans of Selena Gomez, but there are a few random people who's looking for any celebrities.
12.30pm - 1.00pm ... theres no sign of them...
then we wait for the next flight at 2.30pm... there are still no sign..
although I did catch a glimpse of Selena Gomez...
I wasn't excited anymore... not to forget due to some old sick lady that give us VIPs false alarm...
but the local VIPs are still hoping they arrive today, and the Belfast City Airport, on of the staff told us, they are not coming today, but I guess we weren't convinced...
then the MTV EMA staff said to us to come tomorrow because they ABSOLUTELY not going to arrive today... sadly we took off from the airport 6.00pm
*and I was thinking if they arrive later that day, curse you EMA and City Airport, haha!*
What I discover that day that common interest does make people stick to each other, that evening my friend and I even get a lift from the VIPs... thanks you guys...
haaaa... I still remember looking at her Twit account n her phone VIPs all are giving condolence to VIPs in Belfast that we weren't able to meet them.. and where the hell is Big Bang??!! that remains a mystery.
So another surprise comeup later that evening, people writing on my wall, like how the hell they know I was at the Airport, and I realize that I was on TV news, UTV.... *speechless*!!!
it was awkward!! they put the video link on my wall, tagging me ...
and people keep saying I saw you on TV... to my disbelief, my friend who was on that as well does not receive as much blow out as I did, maybe because I'm bigger *size wise* and I was more obvious.
And since the news feature VIPs in Belfast, the video practically spread to all Big Bang VIPs blogs and websites, even to allkpop!!!
Enough about that, I was already disappointed, didn't meet BB that day, and I was overwhelm about the video thing... I was really hoping I get to meet them tomorrow.
So I didn't manage to get sleep actually, I even made Twitter account so that I am able to keep updated... and I was quite late... but it make sense since the flight arrive at 8.20 am, we just couldn't find the taxi. We ran to the arrival door, and MORE VIPssss!!!!!
There was more Koreans as well *I mean staffs that came with BB*, but not BB yet.
then, peek closer into the arrival, I saw a tall guy, with brown hair, blue printed jacket... it was TOP!!!!! ok, it's real!! kept saying that to myself... waiting and anticipating...
and they Come out... my blackberry was on Video recording on standby mode...
It was amazing!!
First it was Seungri, but too bad he face down, so I can't really look at his face.
Then, it was Taeyang... he was the most obvious one, even though he's actually more petite, but due to his cool hair and lighter clothing, he was obvious and the best recorded in the video.
Taeyang face was the most excited one, and the fact that many are chanting his name, 'Taeyang!" would really fed his confident! Yea Taeyang!
Then talk about small frame, GD is small as well, and I almost lost him,
looking and walking cool as the cool leader, his face does not express much... and I almost did not notice Daedae was next to him... He is the one who looks most tired, ... *seulpohajimalgo, :(*
then it TOP!!!! no I meant to say Vic from Iris, because that how Top's face looks like,
all smirking and looking good, not to forget his jacket... is to die for!!!
I was actually really starstruck and paused in a moment, that's why I was only close to TOP.
and I felt really close, if I just reach out my hand to touch his shoulder or his hair ,
ahhhhhhhhhhh *fan girl mode*
my friend was close *the one who's in yellow scarf* and her video is consist of Top's profile,
to die for, his dimple is real!!!
things go more crazy as Top waves back at us when many wish him Happy Birthday!!
Then we only can look at them entering the car, Tae wave again, more shouting!!!!
We VIPs seriously would like to thank you the Belfast City Airport staff, for letting Big Bang come out the door where we can meet and greet them!!! love you Belfast!!!
It was really crazy! then after that more SBS, KBS and some say Big Bang TV cameras was there, and they record us VIPs, I manage to shout out make a concert in Europe!!
It was really nice and worth the Saturday morning which I usually slept in, I rest my case,

Since then, I was really in 'angau' state, macam gila sikit,
even when people say 'TOP'less, I remember him and them.
Than the next night, it was MTV EMA and guess what???
They WON!!!! I was practically shouting just return from raya at a friend's house,
What I like most about them winning, is them being humble,
GD: "we are called Big Bang, from South Korea....
as usual, best GD!
Ps: If you guys notice, I just made a twitter account, and I decided to continue use it, and it might involves beauty and vanities stuff other than BIG BANG!!!
ahhhhh *fan girl mode*
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