Happy new year!!!
I'm still figuring out my new year resolutions but passing medicine would definitely be on top of the list. So I'm still chillin here in Belfast, thinking about the new semester coming up...
*urghhh... scarry*
Now, this would be my first time blogging about outfits and clothes.
So for a first outfits post I'm gonna talk about my style.
Okay for those who knows me, I am definitely a skinny jeans type of girl.
I know I'm quite big for skinnies but I just love them,
and actually I have a mighty stallion thigh and calves ... my legs is almost like a footballer, but I know I'm suck at football... but I feel great wearing skinnies... they look good on me
*in my perspectives* ..
Probably because I have some height (167cm)... so yeah skinnies for the world.
with skinnies, I just love them because I have wide waist, obvious tummy,
so I usually wear LOOSE CUT tops and these look best with skinnies, more stylish to me.
When did I start wear skinnies...?
hmmm during my 2nd year at KMB I think,
before that I wore slim cut jeans...
Ok slim cut and skinnies are not the same.
Skinnies it has small opening and no flare at all,
slim cut there's a bit of flare, which for some reason I don't like how it looks on me,
so what I did was I alter them into skinnies... hehe,
I have this light wash slimcut Lee jeans which almost becomes skinnies and I still love that jeans until now... hehe
So my first real skinny jeans are the Dorothy Perkins RM 98 , a dark blue one, my go to skinnies, and as time goes by there's more skinnies...
ok so unless you are skinny you can wear tight over tight (fitted top and skinnies)
but I'm obviously not!
So I wore skinnies with LOOSE cut Long tops

Black top : Factory Outlet
Lee Jeans Light Blue Wash Slim Cut*which I alter be more like skinnies* : Ampang Park
Brown Flats: Barrats
Dark Chocolate Shawl : Bayswater *random souvenir shop*
T-shirt and Long Cardigans...

T-shirt : Levi (got it free!)
Dark Skinnies : Dorothy Perkins
Long Cardigan : Carboot sale
I used to wear fitted T-s and long cardigans but I prefer larger T-s now, man T-s..
Back in Malaysia I love the Brands Outlets T-s... here, I haven't find cool T-s store, but I do find cool T-s at ZARA lately... but still too expensive *not now*
other than that

Loose shirt : H and M
LOOSE PRINTED TOP in light materials
(kind of like chiffon but it is actually polyester)
and that's it...

Loose print top *sheer*: Dorothy Perkins
Black top *as inner* : Ampang Point
and another great thing
skinnies looks great with ANY SHOES!!
boots, sneakers, heels, flats, sandals.... NICE!!
but I do have this one peep-toe wedges from Clarks, and it is quite exposed since my feet is wide, so it only covers a bit of my toes and it still peep-toe..
and it's not the best with skinnies
but still OK... nice! *mixed feelings...*
ok my point is:-
people will see me in skinny jeans-loose top like 89% of the time...
I would say I hate straight cut jeans, ... it look plain, boring... typical...
it is quite fitted on me *almost like skinnies* and people would say it looks flattering but to me it looks awkward, and it DOES NOT LOOK GOOD... :(
when it is fitted, I will think I might as well wear a skinny, so yeah I PREFER SKINNIES.
I accidently bought a LEVI Straight jean some time before I flew to Belfast
and I can't find myself wearing it...F***!
it was expensive, I tried my best to wear it but it just not my style... haihhh...
so officially since last autumn *after trying for a year*, I say NO STRAIGHT CUT JEANS !!!
On the other hand, I am trying out boot cut jeans... flare and wide opening, but fitted on thigh...
I definitely say it is new, it supposed to be flattering for big girls...
but damn, it's hard to find tops for it...
So I wore boot cuts some times with Ts and cardigans and I haven't 'love' it yet...
so I'm going to give more time to experience boot cut jeans...
till next time,
*cam cool lak
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