OK, I definitely had to get back into the games, more than a month of not posting on blogs made me realized how much I left out. So Spring is here! although in Belfast is hard to say as it's still quite cold here, although I don't wear thick outerwear anymore, usually just my oversized heavy knit cardigan. I don't even wear my cape coat as well *wait for me next autum winter*
As usual I like to do my shopping haul in collective,
since I think doing haul every time I shop would not be practical for me,
and I usually separate cosmetics from clothes or it would definitely be very very long post.
I would say this year went all out with pants/jeans and you'll know why if you continue on reading.
Not to waste any time,
GAP Dark Blue Always Skinny - GBP 30.00+ ( I can't remember exactly, but it was 30% off)
I really love my old Dorothy Perkins dark blue jeans, but I wear it a lot and it is almost ripped, so before I totally split my pants and embarrass myself I thought of getting another dark blue skinny. I bought from Junction one, but I was not please as it was not skinny enough for me.
So I went to Gap and the standard Always Skinny and as usual Gap jeans usually fit me well and I'm please. Always skinny is not stretchy so it takes a while for me to 'break' into it, but I'm happy that I finally had another dark blue skinnies, although this is darker than my Dorothy Perkins, oh well, I just have to learn to let it go.

Dunnes store: Thick Knit Jumper GBP 14.00
I never really like thick knit jumper, I always prefer medium-light weight cardigan because I can always wore those in Malaysia, whereas thick knitwear, don't think so...
However I was really attracted to the colour, and I was in a phase of wearing light pant and dark top,
so I got it. At first I want to get the dark blue and this rusty orange because I thought it was 2 for 1, but when I got to the cashier, it was not. If only I had extra money I would just bought it anyway, but that was crazy for me, so I solemnly chose one and let the other one go. :(
I got this one in 1-2 size larger as I want it to be baggy and loose and I totally love it! over dark pants or light pants, it just work! A good thing that Belfast still a bit cold so I can still wear this, hehe.
Gap - Oatmeal legging jeans GBP 30+
I've been eyeing this pants for a veryyyyy long time.
But I never got the chance to bought it, the first time I tried I thought it might be too tight as it is a 'legging jean'... then 2nd time I tried I didn't really dare to spent on it as it was still really expensive and I didn't really have enough money that time... so I waited. Third time, I almost don't have to think about it and got it right away. I know that's bad, but I just couldn't let this go, I thought I found one at Topshop and it went down to GBP 25.00 but by the time I want to buy it, it's gone! and that catalyst my action getting this pants right away. And I don't regret it at all! I love wearing this with dark loose top.
Dorothy Perkins - Long sleeve top GBP 12.00
I thought of getting another tartan/checkered shirt, but I never really found one I like, then I bump into this and it was on sale racks. I don't have this colour yet and I thought what the heck. I would definelly really love if this is a buttoned-up shirt, but oh well, I guess I can live with that. I got this a bit bigger, and I think it was meant to fit to your body but I prefer a loose fit so I can wear with skinnies. It is a bit off in fitting because it's too far from my real size, but I can work with that, I hope so...

Zara : Floral print skinny jeans GBP 29.99
OKkk... this is one of latest item I bought about a week ago. I generally not really into Zara,
I went into Zara a few times but I can't really find something I like especially with Zara pricing. I bought some top before but I returned it because I had 2nd thought, I almost bought this loose baggy cardigan but I think it was quite pricey at that time... then lately people keep telling me that Zara on sale and I was never really interested since I'm just not into Zara, and the night before I browse into Urban Outfitters and I thought how about a shopping trip first. At the city, as I was browsing Urban Outfitters which is quite expensive I thought I would check expensive store and I thought of Zara.
Who would have thought the first item I bought form Zara *and keeping it* is a floral printed skinny jeans?? hahah! I always turn off by this trend and never really think I could pull it off. But then I found a size that I might fit (largest on the rack), and I tried it on with the thought "nah, it's not gonna work" but I was wrong!
It fitted really well like my Gap skinnies. It got side zip in golden down at the ankle which made it cooler and I was starting to think I can actually work this pant. The floral print of pink and purple flower and green leaves is very faded and background is almost off-white. Light colour pants is not really flattering on me as well as large print, but I still tempt to get it, and I got it. I definitely forgo some stuff I would like to buy at Urban Outfitters *or I just spent too much, which is bad!*
I haven't wore it but I am excited to!
Now onto accessories.
River Island - GBP 16.00
I admit that I am influenced by the culture here, I mean it's hotter in Malaysia and I never thought of getting sunnies whereas here, when it's not that sunny, I got one??? hahah! This would be my second one, the first one I got was in black and pink frame which does look cool and I still love it although I would like to find one which is much more easier to work into my outfit. I'm totally dig the tortoise shell like frame and when I found this I just had to get it. The shape of it I can't really describe, it's not really oversized, but it's large since I have a large head/face. And does it look like wayfarer?? I'm not sure actually, but I like how it looks on me.
I twitted a few weeks ago, how I was going crazy on rings, I just keep buying them for some reason. I tried to buy bangle or bracelets but rings always stood out more. One thing that crushes me when buying rings is definitely when they don't fit. I just... arghhh if only I could find ways to cut a few milimetres off my finger...
So I believe all is less than GBP 4.00, I can't remember all the price.
From left:
- I got this from Dorothy Perkins, it's in gold colour with pink and white rose attached as well a pearl and crystal-like stone. Very feminine and I definitely wear with something more whimsical and soft.
- From H and M, at first I found one with orange stone, but I wasn't sure, but when I found this grey stone one, I totally love it. I like that it's in gold and the grey and gold contrast each other well, almost like silver gray and gold yellow. I feel I can match it more easily with my outfits whereas if I got the orange stone I feel that I can only pair it with warm-tone outfits and my gold watch.
- Another contrast, gold and silver as well. If you look carefully, it's actually a couple of birds sitting, so it's like you have a couple of tiny bird sitting on your finger, so cute and cool! It's sold yellow and gold and I just have to get it especially when it's in pack of two, which means more value. I feel I can this one at a time or just make a statement and wear both at a time.
- Last one, from Dorothy Perkins, in three, they have stones attached and make a small sphere, different colour in each ring (brown, yellow, green). I like it as well again because there's three, hehe.
Dorothy Perkins - GBP 2-4.00 (I forgot which cost how much)
Ok, I do feel bad, I had a pendant from Topshop which I haven't worn yet and here I got another two long necklaces... haihhhh.. At first I was attracted to the small bird golden necklace but I think it might be too small, and I found another with large leaf pendant... but the leaf is just too big, as I thought I would love to wear necklace on casual and regular day so I chose the smaller bird. Then my friend show me one with heart locket, it was decent but I wasn't into it as I think 'heart' is so typical... hehe, but then I found this silver one, again because there's a couple, I was attracted again. I like that it's not so big, and even when it got the drapey effect of two necklaces, it's not too much and I can still wear it casually. What's better is that the shorter necklace is still long enough and it show up when I wore under my headscarf. Nice!
Dorothy Perkins - Animal print wristlet GBP 8.00
I don't use a proper purse, I stuff my money into coin purse and I carry a cardholder with me. I thought of getting a proper purse but instead I got this. Now I stuff both my cardholder and coin purse in this wristlet clutch and it's easier to reach for cash/card in my bag now. If I'm going anywhere which would be easier for me without a bag, I can just bring this only and it's a wristlet which is easier for me hold. I can still fit my Blackberry as well my lipstick which is just perfect. I can totally wear this as a clutch as well. I do love the animal print, although if it was plain colour, it is easier to match to any outfit. But I'm please with this as my 'purse'.
Lastly, ok I bought this shoe online at Schuh, but I still haven't got it, well I got it delivered to the store actually. I can't wait to post this hauls, but I really want to include this shoes. So what the heck... there wouldn't be much depth as I don't have the shoes with me yet, but hopefully it turn out to be what I hope it is.
Schuh: Toms Desert Botas in Black GBP 24.99
I found this online, there the price gone down (I can't remember the original price). I love that it's plain but still look rugged and look more interesting than a simple converse or brogues. I thought of getting this in another colour but there aren't. There's one in black and white aztec but I wasn't sure I'm able to wear that so I chose the black one. I think this would be great with skinnies and provide some edge but still looking layback. I can't wait to pick this up soon!
PS: I definitely need to remind myself to update blog from time to time.. It's just I was too busy with Malaysian event in Belfast and now I'm preparing for annual general meeting, club reports and stuff... I would like to go crazy on my blog during this holiday but I just can't. I need to get serious serious with revision as well. haiiihhhh... so I don't know what my next post will be about or when is it. But I do some thinking like I really like to do my OOTD post, but I just have to remind myself be simple about it... I would also tweet them, but of course I wouldn't be able to put in details... I don't think I would do a video like last time * embarrassed*, I think I can bear with selca much better compare to recording myself hehe... Hauls as well need to do that regularly so that I remember that I bought stuff and I would lessen my shopping. This haul and next cosmetics haul post should be my indicator to stop. As I have to save up to buy plane ticket to go back to Malaysia during summer *I already had to ask my some moneys from my parent which is bad* and I had to be ready for my summer trip South Korea. :)
Some gorgeous rings xxx
yeah they are, thanks! :)