So I just got back from Johor last Tuesday...
On Monday - on the way to Puduraya... Shahir said to wait at Shell nearby the Puduraya, but then he forget to tell that the Shell he was talking about does not exist anymore. Fortunately I arrive there, early, meet up with Inu and Nadia. Later, with others.
On the bus, because most of the passengers on the bus are KMBians, so we’re kinda ‘own’ the bus, we were loud and noisy, talking all the way to Johor, I know, young people these day, ish,ish,ish... I was actually quite tired and sleepy but I have this ‘penyakit susah tidur dalam kenderaan bergerak’. It is quite torturing but I guess when talking to other KMBians, including the ones that I don’t know much before is nice... tetapi, si Kanser pula , tak habis-habis “Fer, Fer, Hai Fer,”...hisy... It’s FAR not Fer...
So we get down at Seri Puteri and have lunch, suprisingly we arrive quite early. It only took us about 4 hours something. We meet up with the Man, I mean the Woman of the hour, the one that makes this come true, Ain, head to the place we’re staying, Rumah Tumpangan UTM. The room is quite nice. Meet up with the KMBians from the up north, my classmate, Pa’an, Nazrul, and others...

Of courselah, I checked the room wholly and I went to the balcony, there was an intense tobacco smell from below , the boys room... and looky-looky, someone were smoking. Terkejut beruk, ternampak aku dari atas... hahaha... apapun mereka tak perlu risau, sebab aku faham, dan aku tak ada masalah dengan orang merokok. We get ready for jalan-jalan, the girls getting reading, I was putting on my makeup, and the girls, some of them, were kinda watching me, so the next thing I knew, I was the Mak Andam applying mascara for them.... emm... make that Kak Andam. Some were asking me about what I wear on my face... (quite uncomfortable)...
So, we have the day for free, where should we go? The zoo, the museum? I haven’t been there, and honestly , I was ‘quite’ interested to go there, but what do you expect, we are bunch of teenagers, shopping mall is our greatest interest. Jusco Tebrau is our location, the biggest shopping mall in South East Asia I think.We got there, the girls window shopping a bit, me too of course. Promised to meet back at 5.30 p.m., but some were not on time, wasn’t really sure what were the latecomers were doing. Hmmm? Sesatlahtu agaknya.
Then we head straight to Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar, we prayed there, take some pictures. It was beautiful, however tempat air sembahyangnya agak pelik... siapa yang pernah pergi dia tahulah... And there, some of the guys who were at balcony before ask me what I saw that time, hmmm... nak tutupkan mulut akulahtu... Dahtu cuba berdalih, taknak mengaku... “ aku tak joinlah, aku cuba berhentikan dia”. Entahlah, tak kisah pun aku.
Selepas itu, night at
Danga Bay. Kami makan di sana, tapi ada masalah sedikit, tempat itu serve arak. Jadi, aku pun tak pasti, tapi adalah antara kami yang kurang selesa. Tetapi setelah mendengar penjelasan yang meyakinkan daripada Mr. Manager yang cool tu, akhirnya kami pun ‘mamam’ jelah di sana. Food and beverages, for RM 8.00, is okay, but plus with the view and environment by the beach is fantastic. We’re eating and socialisng. Aku dan Edy layanlah si Remy dengan perangai tak boleh belah dia. Kami pun berjalan-jalan tengok barang kat Danga Bay. Sambil tu sempat pergi experimenting dengan shades...agak lawaklah...hehehe...
Naik bas, merapu lagi, Remy dengan survey dia, nak tengok tahap mana populariti dia... tak boleh belah. Sampai bilik, cuci muka, susun tempat tidur and tidur. Quite exciting to go to the asylum, Hospital Permai, (because I never been there.)
Malas nak cerita apa yang jadi pagi Selasa, aku akhir sekali siap, biasalah tu... Senang kata kitaorang dah sampai Hospital Permai. It was quite unusual, of courselah it was okay, look just like any other hospital. But that was only the administration building. Wait until we get to the ward... *nervous* ... some girl were quite scared... Teringat staff yang kata, “ Jangan TAKUT” ... at first the patient was okay, some of them were creepy just looking at us... then a patient just come toward us and shout, “BERSATU KITA TEGUH, BERCERAI KITA ROBOH” ... I was like ‘okay, relaxed, he is juat a human being’ ...
Then there was this 40 year old male patient from Sabah, very energetic, been staying for 14 days I think but it was the third visit... He had a nervous breakdown I guess... family problem... he tried to kill himself... couldn’t detect that from his face.
Pesakit tu salamlah dengan semua orang dan dia menuju ke arah budak perempuan, aku dah keliru, semua dah ke belakang, “nak sambut ke tak?”Then, before this, I saw the nurse shake hand with him, so what the heck, aku pun sambutlah salam dengan niat nak hormat dia. “Semoga ada jodoh” ...he says... in my heart “ okay...” ...(awkward moment). Kemudian Wad Forensik, tempat penjenayah... it was quite creepy too, t see some of the patient are watching us, then the lst of the crime they did, "rogol, bunuh, seks luar tabii, ugut..." scary huh? The we were told some already allowed to leave but because of technicality, they have stay... I wonder how would they feel?
Lepas makan, kami dibahagi kepada 3 kumpulan dan dihantar ke wad tertentu. Kumpulan aku dapat wad orang tua... We cannot do much because , they are old and very unresponsive, in other words “unfriendly”. The guys, all 6 of them just tackle 1 patient... same with some of the girls. I was alone, try to communicate with the patient one by one... and got rejected one by one... It was quite depressing. Then, there is this ‘mak cik’ wet herself and Seha found out. And she also has wound. So, as proper volunteer there, I, Syaz and Seha, help clean the ‘mak cik’, Sidon is her name. It was quite an experience seeing a mak cik just stripped her clothes off in front of you...”okay...” (awkward moment)
Then there is this Chinese nyonya, that everyone that say something to her, she will talk back, she would curse or maybe swearing in chinese... don’t really understand, what do you expect? They are mentally sick people. Teringat pula nyonya seorang ini yang suka ‘pau’ orang dengan mengurut... budak laki ada yang terkena... aku hampir terkena, tetapi aku elakkan dengan urut nyonya tu balik, akhirnya, dia pun tak sempatlah nak ‘pau’ aku...hehehe... ‘kurang asam jugaklah aku’. .Ni gambar Kumpulan aku:-

It was quite sad, that some of the patient has already cured and can get checked out from the hospital, but since they have no one and no place to go, they stay in the could a family throw away a person? But at the same time, how could they not? I guess what do you expect, this ain't a perfect world where everyone is nice and have patient... it is just an ugly reality we just have to face
After that, we get straight to Larkin and wait for the bus... On the bus, as usual, tahap mana aku penat pun, aku tetap susah nak tidur. Some of the time, I was talking to Faiz...berbual, berbincang , berbahas... teringat pula perangai dia waktu external CAS, ada je soalan tak boleh belah dia, dengan situasi-situasi dia baca dari macam-macam buku... tapi baguslah, takdelah aku bosan sangat...
Arrive safely, at home, so tired, terus lepas rindu kat bantal and tilam and katilku... Miss them.
Ps:All and all, I could say that I have learn a lot and realize a lot not to mention, questions. How much are we exposed of having mental illnesses? Can we even notice that we are crazy, because, a lot of people don't want to admit they have issue... orang malaysia kan...Then, how can we help them? and here we are with the negative perception, that terrible social stigma; 'orang gila' , 'orang cacat', 'penjenayah'... how can we change that? how can we help this people? It is the same as going to a PDK, or a special school, we meet this different people so we can realize their worth, existence in this world.... so that we can shift our paradigm and get rid of those negative stigma we had... This is the most important thing to learn here...
Feeewwwww.... alright, dah puas dah merapu... I guess that's is all...
PSS: maybe 26 Dec I want to do personal CAS at Zoo Negara, tengoklah macam mana...