Friday, 12 December 2008

the road toward VANITY...

Back in Kolej Mara is not just I’m being stuck in Banting but other than that, I am on my own from that moment...

I’m not in the mood to talk about being on my own, missing my family, my mum’s cook and the facilities back at home... but on my own in term that Mum is not really controlling me at all... be it that I can go out as much as I want, and Mum does not have a say in anything because she was not there...

And, I can spend money on things I really really want... well she has a say in this, but usually all that happen AFTER all the purchasing... So, I can say that I am becoming a least a more shopaholic that I ever be before...Okay, a bit more...(gosh, it is so hard to admit this) have to know that before this I don’t really spend a lot of money on stuff...I guess there are a lot of youth out there that have the same moment as me...(started spending a lot since having financial independence)

But then, what makes me started to shop for stuff? There are a lot of things out there that can answer this question... Influenced from the magazines

(let me admit that Cleo is really my favourite reading materials) with all the shallow perception on beauty and styles and all...blablabla...then, I’m down to a simple answer; it is just my vanity...

I want to look great and to me this is my way...spend a hefty amount of money on stuff...

(face it, how can I resist since I guranteed to get monthly allowance from my parent and MARA...alhamdulillah)
So in this blog, other than I would start blogging the stuff I bought , I would also blog about the influences...what make me driven for MY VANITY...let just see...

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