Sedar-sedar je, dah satu sem dah kat KMB....macam2 berlaku selama 6 bulan dah bukan semua sempatku coretkan di sini...
so , to make things easier I'm going to lay out all the things been going on in my life since raya holiday finished...
13/10/08-so on...- Sports Carnival started...I was a Subzeroan....and I sign up for volleyball....not really good at it. I also volunteer to be the timekeeper for basketball match...really fun...watching the guys played. Too bad Subzero did not won the basketball match but still it's ok...sebab Subzero menang keseluruhannya...
so , to make things easier I'm going to lay out all the things been going on in my life since raya holiday finished...
13/10/08-so on...- Sports Carnival started...I was a Subzeroan....and I sign up for volleyball....not really good at it. I also volunteer to be the timekeeper for basketball match...really fun...watching the guys played. Too bad Subzero did not won the basketball match but still it's ok...sebab Subzero menang keseluruhannya...
20/10/08- soon...- everybody talk about the next MPP, since the Manifesto night has started... not really impress by it, but still admired those leaders up there... " go Farzan" ...(he is the current MPP president). oh ya, kelas aku sibuk jual air masa tu..."air laici! air laici!"
25/10/08-26/10/08 -my first ever basketball match at Sekolah Alam Syah... oh my god, it is damn tiring playing out there...we lost 1 game and won 1 game...There is no match for the girls on the second day, but I still follow the guys, beri sokongan..having fun for the pass two days... bonded with girls basketballerz and also the guys...they are nice, and damn they are so funny... 

Daripada game basketball tu barulah aku mengenali ahli-ahli kelab basketball, baik lelaki ataupun perempuan...macam-macam aku tau...isy,isy,isy....
29/10/08- Melting pot....pertandingan memasak... Kitaorg buat nasi goreng Baba dan Nyonya...
waktu tu kami bukan sahaja menggoreng nasi, tetapi kami juga menggoreng judges juga tentang resipi tu, kerana sebenarnya kitaorg main bantai je...alhamdulillah...semua yg merasa nasi goreng tu tak sakit perut pun...dan disebabkan kitaorag ada ramai perempuan, masing-masing menunjukkan kemahiran dapur...Kita boleh kenalpasti siapa yang selalu ke dapur dan siapa yg tidak...

31/10/08 - sekali lagi aku, anne dan reef menggatal nak ke Bukit Tinggi lagi... untuk apa? what else, shopping of course... so kitaorang dapatkan borang special outing dengan alasan anne and reef nak beli baju taekwondo dan aku pula nak keluarkan duit. Ustazah suruh balik sebelum pukul 7.00, tetapi akhirnya seperti yang dijangkakan, we lost track time and we got home at almost eleven. I told mom tha I want to buy new sport shoe but of course I left out the detail where I got back at 11...Kitaorg naik bas dari banting ke Bukit Changgang, silapnya aku budget jalan masuk ke KMB terang benderang dgn lampu jalan, tetapi sebenarnya gelap-gelita sehingga yang terang adalah lampu2 kedai dan daripada kereta... ketakutan, kepanikan, kami bertiga terpaksa memberanikan diri menjadi "powerpuff girls" dan meredah kegelapan. Aku dapat merasakan cengkaman kuat tangan anne dan kami bertiga waktu itu tentu sekali sedang menggeletar... apatah lagi apabila dapat dengar siulan2 mengerikan daripada budak2 dajal waktu tu...janji tak nak buat jelah janji aku tu.... balik terus mengadu dengan Jannah....
2/11/08 - Basketball match at KYUEM... it also involves the football team, netball team and the male volleyball... so ramai2 budak KMB naik bas bergerak ke KYUEM....seronok dan penat seperti biasa.
16/11/08 - ni yang nak cerita ni...antara benda bodoh yang aku pernah buat ... tetapi tak ada gunanya aku nak menyesal sekarang, because things has happen...So I have decided with anne and reef again to go to KL Tower... and it's not for shopping and thank god for that...pandai-pandailah intepret gambar ni

oh ya, I forgot to type, that I lost my phone again, and the number I used was only for about 2 weeks... But things got ok, since i already renew the sim card, but it is so annoying that I have to ask for people's number again...hate that...
But again I have fun and excitement and all, it is one of the memorable adventure i ever had, not best, but memorable. we would have stayed longer for more fun and to make it worth all the roubles we had and the money we spent, but since it was Sunday and we got rollcall that night, we decided it is best to leave after maghrib ...utk mengelakkan kesilapan yang sama, kali ini kami sanggup menghabiskan duit untuk naik teksi demi keselamatan dan ketenagan jiwa...
after that incident aim kami adalah untuk study untuk peperiksaan semester nanti...
1/12/2008- 5/12/08 - EXAM!!! memang dah terlambat nak buat preparation sepenuhnya, jadi, aku hanya bersedia mana yang termampu sahaja.. I believe what we get is what we deserve, so I would not really expect perfect score, since I was playing around and not serious in my study. Aku cuba sedaya-upaya untuk memaksa diri utk membaca dan stay up lama sikit (kerana belajar last minute is not my style and i hate to stay up before exam, nanti tak fresh) . Nasib baik sempat baca juga...but still, i could have prepared myself better than this, and to make this matter worse, I realized that I have fallen for someone, agak bull di situ. Banyak2 masa waktu exam jugalah aku berdepan dgn perasaan aku ni, setan betul... siapa? Tentu sekali rahsia...Oh my god, memang tak tersangka-sangka... dan obviously I want to stay friend with this person, so I decided I should just forget about it, I remember Jannah said that it is risky and I might jeorpadize the friendship we have is just a delusional moment I have and it is nothing serious, so I have thought. Main focus was exam...too bad the last day I could not see that person, and the reason I want to see him so badly on the last day is because this holiday I would like to forget about the whole crap... so it is like I want to make most of it while it last.
So this holiday, I want to lose some weight, study and do the Puremath paper correction, not to forget bio report...I got a Personal Cas at Tampoi...and finally a someone that I have to forget about...