Monday, 14 December 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Is Bronzers irrelevant in Malaysia?
Because it is nice to have that warmth and golden glow on our face, but that only work well if you are living in a four season country.... when you can be just too pale during winter there, lay on a lot of bronzer and you look nice, because the idea of beauty is tanned and healthy which lead to existence of bronzer... but here in Malaysia, you will look burned.... terbakar...
Here in Asia, most part of Asia, fair and light are more popular... then does this mean that we cannot wear bronzers? well, for starters I don’t thinks that are many women in Malaysia really apply bronzer in their face, most people I know, but I believe for Malaysia makeup artist, bronzer is still a must... but the problem arises when women wear bronzer the wrong way...
1. Choose the right one
Bronzer can be wonderful. Pick bronzers with pearlescent shimmering finish, NOT GLITERRY. Use it to enhance your face structure. Usually we do this by using lighter and darker foundation and do a contour on our face... but to me this is so unnecessary and with all those foundation shade build up on your skin, in this weather(hot, humid) it will melt and you look like a mess... if your foundation is already a mess, forget about your blusher and all. You will end up looking like certain artist in magazines like NUR, Mangga or Pancaindera... a definite no-no.
So a highlighter/bronzer is the best... for tanned skin like me, you can get away with darker shade of this to enhance you complexion and give a nice glow. Think Hollywood. Example of local artiste that look good...

Exfoliate those skin girls and apply something on before your bronzer/highlighter, maybe dust face powder(if your skin don’t need much), dab concealer and foundation on needed are if you need more coverage. and blend well until you see your skin.
some people wear this bronzer/highlighter all over their face... totally unnecessary... in Malaysian weather, you will look like you perspire a lot.
Use a brush... the best way, this is not blusher that use can use finger or typical powder that use a sponge/puff... a brush, a blusher brush, medium size brush would be enough to diffuse those highlighting properties on your face. Dip in product, tap-off the excess and blend on these spot, your cheekbones and bridge of nose, that will be enough. But you can also apply on the apple of your cheeks with or without blusher, chin, on top of your forehead, right under your eyebrow, top of of the bow of your lips, these areas . But NOT the tip of nose, NOT all over your cheeks and forehead and sides of nose. Some people might put on other part, but I think this area is enough for those who wear headscarf.
Suggestion on products:-
1. MAC – Iridescent Powder (RM 80.00)
2. MAC – Mineral Skinfinish _ Gold Deposit (RM 110.00)
3. MAC – Mineralize Blusher _ Warm Soul / Love Joy (RM 95.00)
4. The Bodyshop – Roseflower Radiance Stick (RM 50.00++, not sure)
5. Benefit – Coralista (RM 129.00)
6. Bobbi Brown – Illuminating Bronzing Powder (RM 115.00)
7. Shiesedo Maquillage Face Creator(RM 85.oo, I think, Alexander Wang’s Collection is RM 125.00)
8. Laneige - Snow Crystal Blush (RM 70.00)
I know most of these makeup are pricey (for student like me), but really, I haven’t found anything that gives that really good, illuminating, highlighting effect like these. Most blusher in Watson/ Guardian are shimmery and glittery not the effect that I’m talking about. Thought about Revlon Beyond Natural Blush and Bronzer (RM 55.00) , but I’m not sure if its just matte powder with chunks of glitter. So think of this as an investment, it is worth it. Product no. 3, 5 and 7 can be a blusher too, and actually you don’t really need a blusher so you can save on that. I have the MAC Mineralize Blush Warm Soul, and it is the perfect one for me, and does not break me out. Love it.

So I hope girls out there don’t be afraid to shine on... this doesn’t take much time, it may look not much, but trust me you will look more radiant.
PS: I do really think girls wear too much makeup in magazines like Mangga and NUR... when will we learn less is more... their blusher like staining their cheeks... nampak kotor...
PSS: these are my way of wearing makeup, tips and advice... it really is the way I think about it, other opinion are allowed and you might have different ideas, it is up to you, whichever ways work for you. If you really like the Hollywood tan looks that I sometimes found unnecessary, you should just go for it. Makeup to me anyway, is just how you work it and feel confident... so go for it.
Weekend Playlist...
1. The Subways - Alright


Arctic Monkeys
PS: You guys are welcome to share your weeken fav also... I know I'll be sharing mine, weekly...
Sunday, 27 September 2009
why I want to talk about JET
Rollover DJ also sound nice... then it just that, until it came back with second album Shine On. I do get caught up with 'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is', but that is all. Then, I don't know what happen. haha...
So what inspire(kind of) to blog about Jet is since Jet is the Chosen One for Channe[V]...(for September), and I actually really really like "She's A Genius"... both song and the music videos (eventhough I don't really get the Chewbacca look a like.)
Anyway,Shaka Rock does have decent songs, like K.I.A(a.k.a. Kill In Action) and Black Hearts On Fires.
The video for K.I.A is also insane man... massacre dowh... but then entertaining... haha...
Overall, I would say I love Jet but it is seasonal... I can't be listening to Jet almost everyday... but sometimes if they(wherever, whenever) put it on, or if MTV or [V] put it on, I still can listen and enjoy it. But I believe out there there still a lot of JET's fan. To me, they still rock... and shaggy is really not that bad.
I just love the music video for this, 5. Kill In Action (from Shaka Rock)
Thursday, 24 September 2009
AKWARD Raya Celebration & UKCATest
So we wake up and get ready and all, breakfast and the old-tradition of minta maaf protocol.
Then we headed back to Seri Menanti... (seri menanti, menanti kepulangan kami... hehe)...
I don’t know if I ate too much or not, but in the journey through BUKIT PUTUS.... nafas pun macam putus-putus, sebab serius rasa macam nak muntah...
Whatever it is, I really hope they work things out, and try to accept each other’s different values, and I really hope they support each other strongly, especially by Farah’s wedding.
Come to think of it, going to my father’s kampung, Geduk(in Gemencheh) , is much more seem like a Raya celebration to me tha in my mum’s kampung (Senanti)... visiting people, and all... despite the fact that most of trips makes me feel akward(banyak saudara yang dah lama tak jumpa, termasuk adik bapa aku, Pak Usu sekeluarga...Mak ai... sepupu yang dulu main kejar-kejar hampir aku tak cam)...
However, I have done the test... so I’m happy about it... quite unhappy about the result for the 4 subtest....maybe I can just share about the non-cognitive analysis, my favourite part of the test, hehe.. my answer for the questionnaire indicate that I:-
emotionally distant from others"
"place a higher value on laws, norms, conventions and expectation of society... more likely to support rights and needs of society or community over those of the individual.( macam skema je...)"
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The Subways rocks!

Friday, 18 September 2009
Selamat hari raya!!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Let's LOVE Shuffle!
yes, the infamous Soujiroh from Hana Yori Dango... I have search almost all dramas and movies by Matsujun; Kimi wa petto, Bambino, etc...
so suddenly it struck me, I have not watch Matsuda Shota in a different drama... aku pun terus memanfaatkan internet dan search ‘matsuda shota’ di laman drama-wiki (arkib drama terbaik!)
and beberapa saat (bergantung kepada kepantasan internet anda) tersenarailah semua appearance Matsuda Shota dalam drama Jepun... I was drawn to one of the drama ‘Love Shuffle’... the genre; romance and comedy... my type of drama...
Storyline, 3 man and and a woman meet up in an elevator and was trapped there for a while. They started to talk about love when the 3 of them found out about one the guy, Usami Ken was rejected by her girlfriend when he proposed. One of the guy, a psychologist, proposed that love is about chemistry between two people and at the end of discussion they come up with the idea of Love Shuffle... or in simple word they swapping with each other’s spouses...
What I love about this drama is the nickname that the 4 characters got, Usatan, Aiai, O-chan(Matsuda!!) and Kikutan(the psychologist)... I find the 1st episode to be really a ‘charming’ comedy... and the storyline got more interesting in time... will they stay with their old spouse, or would they fall for other people... ?You should watch it if you want to know...
This drama really teach me something about relationship, romantic relationship... that it just happen... you might having a crush on this girl /guy that you do anything to get to know her/him and getting close to her/him (to the extent that you embarrased yourself..*sigh*), but love actually unconditional and spontaneous and mostly unexpected... so guys and girls, chill... it will happen...(cehwah... panjang pula)
Bila tengok O-chan dgn heroin dia, bapak arh... tak tahan!!! Comel, romantik, menekan perasaan ... apa lagi... memang macam-macam anda akan rasa... kejap-kejap memang comel dengar dialognya, rasa kesian tengok tangisannya ...memang terbaiklah...
Cakap pasal dialog, dalam drama ni memang banyak ‘pun line jokes’... so bila anda tengok dan baca subtittle(unless you good at Japanese), anda memang akan terbahak-bahaklah ketawa.... serius seronok bila tengok drama ni buat lawak...
But don’t be fool by the comedy part, because this drama does have it’s dark side... mysterious, manipulative, dark psycho side... and this final feature will make you crave for more and more...
10 stars out of 10 .... terbaik!!!
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
To do list for Cuti Raya and Reflection...
1. Make a Passport (bukan untuk bercuti, tetapi untuk UKCAT... aduih... mahal gila investment ni)...
2. Practice some UKCAT sample question...(just to get used with UKCAT format)
3. Choose the 4th UK university (I think I will stick with combo 3, the three uni Pn Sharifah has chosen)...
4. Fill in UCAS... (kacau Aida bila nak isi, sebab Aida dah isi...hehe)
5. Don’t forget 24th is your UKCAT test...(don’t forget yours too....)
That is all for UK university application... now IB assestment and other...
6. For your bonus point sake, get your lazy ass to start the EE experiment... (by now, I’m so sure I will not make it by 30th Sep... but who know... state of denial...)
7. get your lazy eyes to read the articles for Econ IA... and finish your Econ IA....
8. TOK essay... choose question and research...(don’t forget presentation)
9. I know I will not finish folio agama in this holiday, but AT LEAST find an article suitable for your folio...
10. If you don’t want to have a hard time in Cikgu Linda’s Malay class... finish your reading for Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan
11. If you really want to make up for Miss Dhiya’s English class... finish your reading for My Fair Lady...(but I’m not sure if I bring the book home... I thought I pack it... I hope it is here...)
and etc...etc... apa-apa yang patut dibuat... macam study ke? buat nota ke...
tolonglah nana, janganlah sia-siakan penat lelah kau packing buku bawa balik rumah...
PS: most important... I should reflect on myself... that is to be ready for future challenges. The university application is on now..... so get serious...Kalau betul-betul bersyukur dapat UK-bound, tak nak bazirkan duit mama papa untuk UCAS, UKCAT dan passport... pastikan dapat satu tempat kat universiti di UK... kalau tak serius, tak mustahil Dia tarik balik rezeki ini... ok?

Get serious with study too, consistency please... don’t only dedicate your time praying and ask Allah to remind you to study and revise, and hoping that He steer you away from any distraction or temptation ... but dedicate your time by getting up on your feet and do it... just do it... sebab macam Aziani kata, “Doa itu mestilah SEIRING dengan usaha...”
Now is not the time to adapt for IB life , it is the time to adapt leaving IB life....(cehwah!...hehe..serius ni...)
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
For STEALS (warning for those with high end taste!!)
1. Momoe
This one of the greatest place to find bags...assorted size and texture and of lots and lots of design to choose from... The clothes quite nice design but the tops and Ts... some of them are made of textile that are easily rip off... and it can cost more than RM50... not a good bargain... Well, if I say this, then Momoe wouldn't be a steal right ? well, what I can tell you is that instead of concentrating on the easily-ripped tee's, how about consider their hoodies, bags and shoes. If you ask me, wonderful thing you can find there is bags... bags... and bags... Kalau sale, lagi best!
They also only have size from S to M... but the size is quite big... so, some of their clothes are big enough to fit me...but some don't... Now tis remind me to put off some weight.Price range: RM 40.00- RM100++
2. Vinnci Accessories
Good one for accesories ranging from clutches, slippers, bangles, necklace, bracelet, sunnies and many more... but becareful though... Vinnci is very popular mass producing firm; you could never find any vintage one of a kind accessories , some of the accesories are good quality and some don't look carefully before you buy something...But fear not, they really do have decent and stylish stuff in there... I wondering whether to buy a sunny there... they really have nice cool design there...
Price range from RM15.00-RM 50.00
3. Vincci
This is another 'cabang' from the padini groups... which sells almost all types of shoes (when I say almost, it does not has jogging shoes)... my verdict, if you want to look for something cheap, for example a pair of anklet boots, that you are so sure that you are just going to wear it once to the Ladies Night, that you prefer to find a more affordable one(a.k.a CHEAP)... then Vincci is the place to go.
I would not give much credit for the quality, you must be an avid consumer, with a sharp eyes and strong stance... because one problem you have there is, its going to be hard to find shoes with a perfect cutting and ...quality... when you trying heels or whatever, make sure if the shoes is standing straight perfectly, there is no dent on the heels, or anything made bengkok-bengkok... this problem exist when mass production do not have efficient quality control. (tapi, kalau quality control sangat mahallah jadinya kasut-kasut itu).
Designs and varieties sangatlah banyak.... we have slippers, sandals, flats. heels, pumps. gladiators, boots with different design... colours, peeptoe and such... the only thing that can bugs you is or 'kureng' is the fact that the chances of you seeing another person with a the exact same shoes is 85%.. so beware if you don't to have the exactly same, so-called-unique design with someone else. I had my fair experience in this matter. Well, usually I shop there for slippers and sandals only... because to me the heels were not made well, so their shoes actually bites your feet. AUWWWW!!!
Price range: RM35-RM 100+... (usually I buys something less than RM 100 there, so never notice anything with price more than RM 100)...
4. Brands Outlets
The best thing about this store, is the TEE'S... cool, kinky and unique design and lots of colour to choose from. Size-wise, very good... I can find a decent tee's for my body (which bulky and long), the t-shirts there are big enough and long enough for me... their tee's size XL in unlike the tee's in Padini which is shockingly small and short, despite the fact it is XL... but then... probably I'm just too fat kut.. whatever it is I'm very satisfied if I buy tee's from there... usually they offer tees in "3 for RM 50" or "2 for RM 50" which is to reasonable enough, since the fabric, 100% cotton is so comfortable, that you can wear when you go to sleep or lepak-lepak.
Usually things in Brands outlets changes... not sure to keep with season or what... well, don't have to think too much about that since Malaysia is negara satu musim. They also have jeans, pant , shorts, capri, bermudas and all...(not that I wear them, just stating them)... basically they sells basics. Officewears, pjs and also blouses. They also sells acccesories which is much cheaper than Vincci's. Whatever it is, you can have fun entering the stores. Feel really therapeutic.
Price range: RM20.00 to RM 100 (clothes)
5. Elianto
If you are a fan of makeup and skincare, make sure to make a trip to Elianto stores. The product ranges from EDT, makeup, makeup tools, skincare and bodycare. What I love about this is it is almost complete. I bought a foundation brush last time and it is only RM13. It is dirt cheap compare to any professional brush(MAC, Clinique and all) . I don't really believe the quality is the same, but I their level is a slightly lower than Bodyshop's. Whatever it is, Elianto's foundation brush does give a decent finish.
Other things you can consider purchasing from this store is the eyeshadows. You can try the baked marble whatever it's name is... which I thick can give a good finish on your eyelids. You can also consider their EDT, most of the EDTs have typical smell, you really can't find a unique scent. However if you are just looking for an EDT to go to class to, which your prefer not to spend so much on (cheaper than Bodyshops), try Elianto's. About the lip colour, I'm not sure of, because never tried it before. Skincare, I'm also not sure, I tried the pearl mask, which is for brightening, I'm satisfied. I also heard and read that their skincare product does decent job since it is from Korea so it does suit asian skin. If you want more explanation just ask the sales assistant. They'll be happy to help you. I'm also looking forward to make a visit there. Just trying to figure out when and how...
Price range: RM10-RM 100+
all right I think that is all I can think of now... later update lagilah...
Ps: semua price range adalah estimation semata-mata...
Monday, 24 August 2009
To DO list for sem 3 and Mock Interview...
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Bapak arh! sem 3 sudah!!!
PS: Becareful with the LRC computer, you never know what kind of 'things' can infected into your laptops and hard disc.
PSS: I thought about the death of Farah Fawcett and Micheal Jackson, but I'm not really obsessed with them so may they rest in peace. Also I heard Jacko is a Muslim, true?
Apa-apa pun lain kalilah aku cerita pasal benda lain.... sibuklah sekarang...
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Supervisor EE
I am not at that stage yet...
The thing about my supervisor is... she is quite scary...
I met her for the first time last Friday... just before usrah...
Thought about just getting her number and that will be all...
but no.... she wants to consult me right away...
something wrong with my RQ....have to do more research... dah kena bantai dah ni....
PS: reminder, reasearch for EE in DETAILS...
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Dah lama tak Update...
Well, as usual I have a big problem about tardiness to class, yeah, I don’t think I have much problem coming to meetings or talk. Back on the former subject, I know I’m not the only student, the one and only students who come late to class, usually late by most 10 minutes, but probably because Pn Salmah always on my back. So I feel tensed about it. I really really wish that the class timetable would change and not making chemistry the first period. (so that Pn Salmah would not catch me late...hehehe naughty...). She even wants to start class by 7.30 a.m. , gilalah! Impossible dowh! Well for me lah...
Well. I thought about posting about the Amal Islami program I went to but it seems, time are so limited... and plus with the ‘pen-pal’ program in KMB, did I mention about my EE, World Lit.... isy...isy.. banyak tu... but then semua ni tak siap sebab ‘kerja....ber-tang-GUH!’ tu je jawapannya... sebab orang lain boleh je siapkan...
Aku boleh katakan topik hari ni rojak, freestyle , gaya bebas...
Dalam kepala sekarang macam nak blog pasal Amal Islami, Kepenatan dan kerja bertangguh, atau Pen-pal thingy...But the I just talk about the Amal Islami firstlah, the others laterlah...(tengok tu, procrastinate lagi...hehehe)... It is just that Amal Islami to me is a great much fun and there is self-discovery. Cooperating with E08B and M08N is cool, I knew some people from M08N and the guys and 3 girls from E08B are also cool . Like any camp that I went to, there always be a funny and very memorable moment, especially cute Ada slaughter the chicken until its head off (muka memang nampak kejamlah...hehehe... jangan marah Ada..) ,
I was shocked, ternganga... agak trauma. The barbeque night was nice, I help with mixing and marinating with the chicken...SEDAP dowh, sampai orang seberang sungai pun datang nak makan...hehehe...
I guess the most gruesome moment I had there, more gruesome than the jungle trekking (which was also very challenging, the taste of damp water when we have to go underwater was like cherry on the cake, the mud from the damp of course will make for the icing...hehehe... sedap!), is the Flying fox. It is not the flying fox that I have done before, where we would just go up high and just fly down, tempat kena panjat dulu, jalan atas kayu balak yang sangat kecik, atas ja,mbatan gantung ... apa lagi... tapi memang gila mencabar, sampai waktu nak patah baliklah... tapi fikir balik, patah balik lagi seram dowh! Apapun semua berjaya melakukkannya, tak ada yang cedera atau terkecut..gosh I still remember how I hug every tree, takut sangatj atuh, jambatan patah ke putus ke tali... Bila turun pun, macam tak perasaan, menggeletar sangat.... lepas tu Z-akwan belanja makan aiskrim....hehehe...
Aku tak boleh katalah program tu berjalan lancar sebab agak sedih night walk batal. Rating : 7 out of 10. Nak kata jumpa hidayah ke apa pun, hanya Allah jelah yang tahu.. apa pun paling tidak memotivasikan diri untuk berubah menjadi lebih baiklah. Tu jelah kot pasal Amal Islami... hehehe.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Aduhai... EE....
Friday, 6 March 2009
Happy birthday to me!
whatever it is, thanks babe! jasamu dikenang juga, walaupun korang ada buat benda yang tidak menyenangkan aku...Rasa bersalah juga... sebab sambut waktu ada practice drama... oh ya we made it to the final and we won second place, best director, best actress..."go Miss NorKiah"...
Fist place, kelas M08G and M08N... Dorang cool, ahuyy dengan tepung gomaknya...menjadi...
the girls... apapun we (m08K&E08C) satisfied and feel relieve, that it is over...
anyway azam aku yang terbaru ialah untuk datang awal kelas... kena sampai pada tepat pukul 8 bukan 8.05 pg... Gilalah, sekarang kena serius dowh, kalau tak nanti, tersangkut... cubitan manja daripada Pn Salmah mebuat aku sedar...
alrightlah...I have to start not only sleep early but also wake up early...
anyway agak bengang jugalah ada budak sengal yang nak kena-kenakan aku waktu birthday, main-main sms... aku mati-mati ingat Ammar classmate aku nak kenakan aku...tengok-tengok, orang lain. Apapun sorrylah Ammar sebab tuduh kau... Budak-budak sengal tu pula, entahlah, aku pun tak pasti samada diorang dah tahu ke yang aku dah tahu siapa dalang sebenar...
tu jelah yang terjadi waktu seminggu masa hari 'lahir' aku....
aku tak boleh tulis banyak2 sangat, malam ni solte alma KMB, nak tengok bakat-bakat KMB...
ada yang menari hindustan, nyanyi solo.... hmmm... paling menarik bagi aku, ada yang nak menyanyi lagu 'Mardy Bum' , tak tahulah lagu 'Mardy Bum' dari Arctic Monkeys ke lagu lain... Oklahtu ada lagu band favourite aku... hehehe... nanti-nantilah cerita lagi....
Saturday, 31 January 2009
lovely of the best cliche anime..
This story revolves around Otani-156cm, shorter than the average Japanese guy, and Risa-172cm, taller than average japanese girl, always making fun at each other, selalu bertikam lidah... but,eventhough they always shout at each other, both of them a big fan of Umibouzu(Japanese Hip-hop star) so they always go to the concert together and become good friends. And then a typical teenage love story, from being just friends they develops feeling toward each other, despite always saying that “ I don’t want a beanstalk girlfriend” or “ I don’t want a shorty for a boyfriend” something like that. The story continues as Risa is the first to confess to Otani, despite feel a little bit insecure that Otani might really not like to have a taller girlfriend. When she confessed, too bad Otani does not think of her that way....yet... so Risa try to make Otani notice her as more than a beantstalk girl.
Oh yeah, there are a lot of really funny hillarious scenes and this is an anime, so crazy stunts and outrageous ridiculous scenes are expected, termasuk ekspresi muka sengal meraka, hahaha..lawak gila!...but really enjoying. Later, Risa and Otani date each other , so the story focus on them being a couple despite of height difference(but at this point, height not the real issue anymore). Not really original it is fine. And did I tell you that, the couple scene is so cute...cair jugalah aku tengok walaupun memikirkan lelaki tu lagi rendah dari aku... hehehe....
Well I don’t really learn new things from here, alright probably about not being insecure about myself despite my physical appearance (but I got to say that my height is never an issue for me)...I also love that Risa always change her hairstyles in the anime, different from other anime that sually wear the same hairstyles and even the same clothes... So, how coud I be bore with this.
Another thing that I really, really love about this story, it is set in Ohsaka, so the characters all speaking in Kansai-ben dialect. Yeah, it was really different , but don’t know why it really suits comedy.
The thing about Kansai-ben dialet is there are much more dragging in word and usually has a ‘ya’ sound at the end. Emmm... I just give simple example:-
Bye-bye in Japanese is “Sa-yo-na-ra”, but in Kansai-ben dialect “Sai-nara”...probably they drag the ‘y’ sound as ‘sai’ instead of ‘sa-y’ ...another one, “na-ni” that usually mean what, in Kansai-ben it is “nai-ya” ... and more example you could find in the anime. A fresh breath in japanese language that I always listen to in j-drama...hehehe...(not sure if this really correct 100%, but that is how I heard it).
All together, I really love to watch the anime (the movie not so much).
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Ponatlah den...!
First, my classmates and I got a new class situated at LR 25, at the second floor. For the first time we have neighboring class, first time we have most of our class in the Academic Block. For me this is first time I have to go upstairs for class, the first time I feel that the canteen is far away from our class... Pendek kata, aku rindu kelas lama AVA3. I believe I’m not the only one, my classmate rindu AVA3 oleh sebab ‘hotspot’... but then, there are some of us make an advantage of this, kononnya azam baru kurang makan sebab ko-op, kiosk and DS jauh sangat... that is a good idea... or maybe I take chance to exercise and move more up and down...hmmm....apa sajalah.
Anyway, other than that we got a new HEP...Mr. Hatta...tapi bukan bapak Kpt. Acap rasanya....hehehe... on the first day he wore pink, so most of us call him ‘pinky’....tak baik dowh...
I heard the rumour that he is very strict about being late, but then I ignore him...
Sampailah satu waktu, aku agaknya terlambat 5 minit hari tu, jadi aku tidak sempat masuk Blok Akademik sebelum pukul 8.00. Sedang berlawak dengan Faiz Kanser waktu itu, Mr Hatta yang terpacak depan pintu masuk Blok Akademik daripada laluan ko-op terus menahan kami, termasuk student-student lain yang datang ‘memang tepat’ pada waktunya.
Perasaan aku berbaur waktu tu....salah aku, salah Mr Hatta, ...salah tudung!...tudung yang aku pakai waktu tu susah nak kemaskan sampaikan aku terlambat sikit...sikit je tau... hehehe...alasan betul kan... jam aku pukul 8.05...waktu tu, aku betul-betul berharap Mr Hatta lepaskan kami, tapi beliau minta kami tunggu rakan seperjuangan kami yang terlambat sekali.
Sedang menunggu itu, masa terus berlalu... Mr Hatta minta kami tuliskan nama kami pada sehelai kertas. Namun ada yang memang ‘MPAC gila’ waktu itu pandai berlakon tengah menulis , depan-depan Mr Hatta pula tu. Aku rasa bengang macam nak beritahu je Mr Hatta, tapi tak naklah nak cari pasal dengan Brother tu kan... Faiz Kanser yang tak habis-habis cakap “ habislah kita Fer, habislah kita Fer” entah lesap ke mana, ‘fuyoo magik’ mana tah dia tiru aku pun tak tahu...’lu pikirlah sendiri’ !
Bila nak masuk pukul 8.45, aku pun sudah makin risau, hari ini dahlah Lab Bio...aiyoh...matilah. So Mr Hatta pun mula berkata-kata, tanya khabar kami semua dulu, dah sarapan ke belum? Serius, dia tanya kitaorang dah ‘breakfast’ ke belum dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Beliau pun memberitahu kami hukuman yang bakal diterima oleh pelajar lewat ; kena detention 3 jam atau setengah hari, ada sesi motivasi dan kaunseling, dan kalau keadaan tidak berubah juga, mula ada rollcall pukul 7.30...susah tu wei! Akhirnya beliau lepaskan kami semua.
Sampai ke Lab Bio semua pandang semacam, Mr Guna “why are you late?” aku pun beritahu apa yang terjadi... Yang coolnya Mr Guna tak meradang, well at least not in front of me...hehehe... Classmate semua memandang aku dengan muka tak boleh blah....perli akulahtu... Yang agak tidak puas hati, si Ammar yang selalu lagi lambat daripada aku, tiba-tiba sampai dulu...(tak tahulah kalau dia ada secret passage, boleh terlepas dengan Mr Hatta.
Apapun sejak hari itu, kedatangan aku ke kelas sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh classmate aku... dengan baik hati mereka sampaikan ukur berapa awal aku datang kali itu, caring classmate. Tapi sebenarnya, sejak hal itu, aku memang berazam nak datang awal...Setiap kali aku bermalasan mandi awal, ataupun berlengah-lengah waktu bersiap, aku terus teringat Mr Hatta... sekali dengan kerugian yang aku akan terima jika terlepas apa-apa kelas... In a way, it is a good motivation booster for me to start coming ‘EARLIER’, ‘earlier’ NOT ‘early’... or dia telah buat aku jadi penakut agaknya...hehehe...
The next week, it was busy... we got basketball friendly match with KMS...aiyoh , bagi aku agak ‘wrong timing’ jugaklah...Dengan debate, P.Ramlee drama and homework....susahlah, apatah lagi kitaorang tak buat latihan sangat waktu itu...Apapun semua tu alasan...kami main juga dengan KMS dan kalah....maksud aku tak menanglah...hehehe. Selain itu aku dapat souvenirs, jari ibu terkehel dan sakit sengal di belakang aku, sampaikan tak boleh pusing kiri kanan sangat...Budak lelaki mantap, menang... After the game, the girls all make new resolution to start practicing seriously again...apasajalah...aku ikut je...And the Debate , our class win first round, for the next round, Efa take over my place since I did not get to join the discussion. And again our class win. I’m not sure if I’m going to enter the next round...we’ll just see next week...
And now I’m enjoying staying at home, resting after all the hectic schedule at KMB...all the burden from class and other activity...But I think, most burden come from my social life at KMB. I don’t know why, I’m so stressed thinking about that ‘certain someone’ and other people... at some point it become like a ‘social burden’ for me that I really need to get get some space between me and them... Harap-harap belakang aku ni akan beransur pulih dan ‘beban’ yang aku rasa tu akan berkurangan...
Come on, FOCUS Fana! FOCUS! FOCUS! (macam lagu Incubus)
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Aku telah di'tagged'!
1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
ikut rankings....My love for my family, friends, religion, favourite bands and vanity...hehehe
2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
A necklace
3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
tradisional palace...hehehe...
4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan kamu berkekalan?
Ha? still single lah... kalau kawan, selama berkawanlah, kalau keluarga tentu sekali sampai ke akhir hayat....hehehe, air yg dicincang takkan putus...
5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
Hmmmm.... tak pasti, mungkin? yang pasti crushes memang berlambak....
6. Di manakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam?
Restoran Said at Kelana Jaya , mak sedara belanja.
7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
Novel sendiri dah bertahun dah tak beli, last time, beli Lord of the Rings, 3 years ago....
8. Apakah nama penuh kamu?
nuR FaRhana Bt Jamaludin
9. Kamu lebih senang dengan mak atau ayah?
bergantung pada situasi...generally, kurang senang dgn dua-dua, but still sayang and respect...
10. Namakan seseorang yang kamu ingin jumpa untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup anda?
Alex Turner and the Arctic Monkey and Gwen stefani and No Doubt...but actually theres not really any person...
11.Sebutkan 8 nama sahabat yang paling rapat dengan kamu?
dari kolej:
i. Kapt. jannah
ii. Reef-fy
iii. Anne
iv. as'PA'AN'
dari sekolah:
vi. MOONirah
vii. Jacky
viii. Cik Matul
12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian anda sendiri?
bergantung, kat kolej undergarments basuh sendiri, kat rumah gilir-gilir dengan kakak basuh dirty laundry... semua baju handwash basuh sendiri.
13. Tempat yang paling seronok kamu mahu pergi?
Nice cafe or restaurant that put up music in my taste...
14. Pelukan atau ciuman??
Dari siapa? kalau kawan pelukan je kut....kalau parent dua-dua bolehlah kut...kalau suami nanti dua-dua atau lebih dari tu pun boleh...hehehe...
15. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu?
i. sweet sebab tagged aku
ii. cool -that's why I friends with you...hehehe
iii. open-minded just like me...
iv.stylo-sebab tu aku tabik
v. budak Klang sama macam roomate aku...
16. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai:
benda2 yang aku gilai semestinya benda yang kurang elok dan kurang berfaedah
i. Listening to the Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Hujan(all my fav bands)...
ii. watching anime and J-drama...
iii. berbual-bual dengan orang sekepala...
iv. baca dan tengok majalah...
v. merapu atau scribble...
vi. window shopping and shopping(bila ada duit atau ada benda nak dibeli)
vii. tengok TV
viii. finally blogging lah kut...
17. 8 perkataan yang sering di ucapkan:
Ya Allah,
wei /woit,
makcik betullah/nenek betullah,
tak boleh belah,
18. 8 buah buku yang paling terbaru :
terbaru? dari segi apa...? kalau latest baca
course companion economics, course companion chemistry, ...(kalau study lah...hehehe), Okonkwo, Nak ke tak nak, Lord of the ring-the two towers, V for Vendetta graphic novel, Harry Potter-Half-Blood prince..tgh baca Lord Of the Rings -the Return of the King.
19. 8 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali:
Banyak tu!
Hampir semua lagu Arctic dikira satu...
Hampir semua lagu The Strokes... ni pun dikira satu...
Kebanyakan lagu Hujan
Kebanyakan lagu Franz Ferdinand
Kebanyakan lagu OAG
Sesetengah lagu Babyshambles
Diri Kau- Couple
and more
sebenarnya list ni boleh berubah-ubah...ikut musim...
20. 8 perkara yang saya pelajari tahun lalu:
Terima kawan seadanya(a friend taught me that),
don't be too judgemental because people come in different varietyand version,
religion is the core of life(Islam),
Respect and love for family and friend is important,
there is always the good and bad in something, (stop comparing too much)
always be grateful, (stop yammerin' to much)
money should be used wisely(learn this the hard way)
when you fall down, the best way is to crawl back up...jangan putus asalah, cuba lagi...
PS: sekali lagi thank u kat alya sebab sudi tag aku...minta maaf sebab ambil masa lama nak post ni...
PSS:aku masih tengah susun azam tahun baru dan aku agak gembira kerana pure math correction sudah dihantar...