so, today I have finish my UKCATest, so I’ll be happy now to share about my Raya celebration.
Since my mum bought a house in Seremban, preparation for Raya cuisine is not done at kampung Senanti anymore. Well, so I do feel loss and do miss staying in my kampung home with my dearest cousins. But then, parent kan...
So we wake up and get ready and all, breakfast and the old-tradition of minta maaf protocol.
Then we headed back to Seri Menanti... (seri menanti, menanti kepulangan kami... hehe)...
I don’t know if I ate too much or not, but in the journey through BUKIT PUTUS.... nafas pun macam putus-putus, sebab serius rasa macam nak muntah...
So we wake up and get ready and all, breakfast and the old-tradition of minta maaf protocol.
Then we headed back to Seri Menanti... (seri menanti, menanti kepulangan kami... hehe)...
I don’t know if I ate too much or not, but in the journey through BUKIT PUTUS.... nafas pun macam putus-putus, sebab serius rasa macam nak muntah...
Whatever it is, I really hope they work things out, and try to accept each other’s different values, and I really hope they support each other strongly, especially by Farah’s wedding.
Come to think of it, going to my father’s kampung, Geduk(in Gemencheh) , is much more seem like a Raya celebration to me tha in my mum’s kampung (Senanti)... visiting people, and all... despite the fact that most of trips makes me feel akward(banyak saudara yang dah lama tak jumpa, termasuk adik bapa aku, Pak Usu sekeluarga...Mak ai... sepupu yang dulu main kejar-kejar hampir aku tak cam)...
I really don’t pay attention to homework or the UKCATest that I was about to take... which actually make me feel regret the day before Thursday. So actually I was not really prepared for the UKCATest...
However, I have done the test... so I’m happy about it... quite unhappy about the result for the 4 subtest....maybe I can just share about the non-cognitive analysis, my favourite part of the test, hehe.. my answer for the questionnaire indicate that I:-
"tend to be a bit more self-sufficient, discreet and happy to make my own decisions... may come across as more private, reserved, self-reliant and introverted, which may sometimes make me appear more
emotionally distant from others"
emotionally distant from others"
"place a higher value on laws, norms, conventions and expectation of society... more likely to support rights and needs of society or community over those of the individual.( macam skema je...)"
So that is all until next time eh....
Ps: I hope you guys out there really enjoying your raya celebration and not having an akward feel during the celebration. Ingatlah, memanglah nak minta maaf zahir dan batin tu bila-bila boleh, tapi, alang-alang dah Raya jadikanlah Raya ini saluran nak perbaiki dan merapatkan hubungan keluarga, rakan and etc...
Duit Raya tak dapat tak apa, jangan tak jumpa saudara, rakan dan lain semua sudah, yang itu baru Raya tak bermakna...
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