Pelikkan? dah 5 hari cuti, baru teringat nak buat TO DO LIST...
1. Make a Passport (bukan untuk bercuti, tetapi untuk UKCAT... aduih... mahal gila investment ni)...
2. Practice some UKCAT sample question...(just to get used with UKCAT format)
3. Choose the 4th UK university (I think I will stick with combo 3, the three uni Pn Sharifah has chosen)...
4. Fill in UCAS... (kacau Aida bila nak isi, sebab Aida dah isi...hehe)
5. Don’t forget 24th is your UKCAT test...(don’t forget yours too....)
That is all for UK university application... now IB assestment and other...
6. For your bonus point sake, get your lazy ass to start the EE experiment... (by now, I’m so sure I will not make it by 30th Sep... but who know... state of denial...)
7. get your lazy eyes to read the articles for Econ IA... and finish your Econ IA....
8. TOK essay... choose question and research...(don’t forget presentation)
9. I know I will not finish folio agama in this holiday, but AT LEAST find an article suitable for your folio...
10. If you don’t want to have a hard time in Cikgu Linda’s Malay class... finish your reading for Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan
11. If you really want to make up for Miss Dhiya’s English class... finish your reading for My Fair Lady...(but I’m not sure if I bring the book home... I thought I pack it... I hope it is here...)
and etc...etc... apa-apa yang patut dibuat... macam study ke? buat nota ke...
tolonglah nana, janganlah sia-siakan penat lelah kau packing buku bawa balik rumah...
PS: most important... I should reflect on myself... that is to be ready for future challenges. The university application is on now..... so get serious...Kalau betul-betul bersyukur dapat UK-bound, tak nak bazirkan duit mama papa untuk UCAS, UKCAT dan passport... pastikan dapat satu tempat kat universiti di UK... kalau tak serius, tak mustahil Dia tarik balik rezeki ini... ok?
We already have our IRP group, get serious. 100% commitment and responsibilities expected...especially when you are a leader (don’t make what Aida comment about you before is a lie, don’t make Pn Salmah always tegur you, bring back the old Farhana from SMKHK, yang lebih serius dan fokus... dah lama sangat tidur ni....).

Get serious with study too, consistency please... don’t only dedicate your time praying and ask Allah to remind you to study and revise, and hoping that He steer you away from any distraction or temptation ... but dedicate your time by getting up on your feet and do it... just do it... sebab macam Aziani kata, “Doa itu mestilah SEIRING dengan usaha...”
Now is not the time to adapt for IB life , it is the time to adapt leaving IB life....(cehwah!...hehe..serius ni...)
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