Sunday 1 August 2010

Is nothing personal, it's just my circumstances...

As most people knew, yes I started working a month ago...
and as most people knew, I quit last Friday...
so, yeah, I just work for a month?
Why? I don't know...
Little that I know, that Thursday when I meet Matul and Jack, I end up working as a cashier at Popular Bookstore...
The story of my impulse behaviour...
To tell the truth, I did really had a hard time adjusting as a cashier... with all the scanning, barcode, buttons, coins, short or over and RM 10 note that always run out... I always find myself confused and dreaded the day... to make it worse, I work from 10.30am to 9.30 pm and on weekends 10.00 am to 10.00 pm... or is it because of the senior cashier and supervisor that are quite 'garang'...
I almost felt I want to quit the first day of work... I do actually...
I tell myself, I will get use to this after awhile.. and I do, after three days I think..
(which is after my first off-day)
but seriously it's nothing related to this place I work... it is just due to my circumstances that I can only work for a month. Given the thought if I for sure will only continue my study next year, I might still working there? (maybe?)
Well, the whole month was a great exprience.. yeah, I was never a cashier and yes, I don't really give a damn if I'm late for something..
but since there are something we call 'PUNCHCARD' , and it will turn red if you are late, I get worry.. but nonetheless, Fana will always will be Fana, by the end of the month I alway got red. But I believe, it was pretty decent compared to other staffs.
It does make me sick, counting money everyday
(especially when the money does not belong to you)...hhhhhhhh....
and comment I heard while counting after closing the store, 'lembablah'...
not only I it was hurtful, it was also distracting... making me lost count and makin 'lembab'...
I also met new people there... and I appreciate the new friendship created there...
too bad, I can't get to know them better, but it was great guys, so thank you...
to be honest, I do notice and realize something...
probably I am still not cut out for the working world,
but maybe I'm saying this because I'm not that desperate for money yet..
people work to make a living...
even they hate it, they hate their collegues or employer , maybe..
but they still got up to work because they want to make a living...
but please, it never crossed my mind to undermine a 3 figure pay-job...
I do really appreciate the experience of working at the Popular Bookstore, Ampang Point Outlet.
PS: You know, as I always predicted, I get to meet many friends from my old school...
My juniors, my old classmates and also seniors... not to forget even my neighbour...
and I believe my old schoolmates is replacing me as the new cashier... well good luck for you...
PSS: Since it was been a month, I haven't really updating my blog...
but there are ideas for my vanity posts... I will update on that...


  1. babeee!!!hey great experience of yourss:)story meh,spill it!

  2. story? oklah, nnti spill...
    malas nak blog banyak sgt... haha!

  3. gile ah.....terharu sikit2 blog ko nih....
    hahaha, tapi pasal lembablah tuh mmg tak bleh bla.....btw, nice to haf know u cik adek fana-suke-datang-lambat-pagi2....ahahaha (tmn bergosip yg best ko nih..)

  4. hmmm... actually yg lembab tu cashier lain... dia suka dtg awal... x mcm fana ni, asyik dtg lambat, walaupun x smpai sminggu...hahaa!

